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Is Anyone Else on PunaWeb Sick of This?
Today is Monday April 18th.
The fact that you would post such a statement, without consideration for the other members of the forum unfortunate enough to be living elsewhere on this rapidly shrinking planet, glaringly displays your self-centered attitude. It also reveals your total lack of compassion and empathy for the other equally valuable people living elsewhere on this great orb.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Well mikewj, it happens to be April 19th in Japan right now. Are you trying to impose your time standards on other countries? ;-)

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
If it's Tuesday, it must be Belgium. [8D]

No comment.
Hey guess what?
Belgium still doesn't have a government!
The Flemish and Walloons still can't agree!
Several months now.
Lessons for some of posters?
I think I've had enough of this topic....I'm leaving!!! (the topic...not Punaweb)
Originally posted by csgray

I will never post on a forum that uses IP information the way Puna online's moderators do, but I also do not come on Punaweb and complain about people here not responding the way I think they should to posts on POL. It just isn't appropriate and is basically eavesdropping and then gossiping about what is heard. Either become part of the conversation where it is happening, or ignore it, but don't bring it to the Punaweb table to stink the place up.

Orchidland Guy has made thread after thread go sideways and ugly by relentlessly badgering people he disagrees with. He has used the phrase "calling out" time and time again, and even the most innocent post gets picked apart point by point repeatedly unless the original poster bows down to his superior wisdom or just fades away; and now he wants to lurk over on POL and snark about posts made over there, here on Punaweb.

Just let Punaweb be Punaweb, and either join in at POL or ignore it, but do not bring mud from POL over here to start slinging. That place is a whole different world, different styles of interaction are the norm, and taking out of context comments over there and berating people for not "calling" other POL members on their comments made on that site, is absurd, and yes, hypocritical.


ed. to fix typo

Actually YOU have used "calling out" in a couple posts talking about me. You say "time and time again" that implies lots of times. I went to look through my posts and find that I used this phrase twice TOTAL... and once was long ago. Interesting perspective you have.

You are accusing me of "relentlessly badgering" not true. If I am ever asked to stop, I do. Relentless badgering is to keep doing it and doing it... what I do is hold up a mirror on those who are hypocritical.

Please read the supportive and encouraging cheerleading remarks from Kapahocat and from John Rabi (however he decides to spell phuck you). their posts speak for themselves. They post on this thread as folks who just want to have everyone get along and then go over to the other posts and encourage mud slinging. See the old cartoons on Lack's site and go to comments both Kapahocat and Rabi show their true colors. That is all I am saying. Hypocritical.

I am bad because I don't join on the other blogs? No thanks. They publish real names and ip addresses. Just like they read punaweb, I read their blogs. Nothing bad with keeping track of who is saying what and who is supporting who.


Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Kapohocat

Orchidlandguy, I am so sorry you feel that way.
Now if you are the ass that commented on his cartoon that just went in and annihilated his chicken not a cartoon, yes I did ask Tom if he pissed you off and dated your wife?

you are accusing me of being the blogger who said lack's chicken is unsanitary cooking conditions. As I had to defend myself over and over with mdd7000/ MarkD: I have NEVER blogged on lack's awful excuse for a site. I would never give him my ip info or any info on how to go after me. Didn't lack accuse keaaurich of this and it was just an assumption? He wasn't even sure, but he smeared someone's name? and then NEVER apologized after smearing keaaurich's name?
Now you, Kapahocat are trying to say I am the one writing about Lack's unhealthy ways of cooking chicken? What are you trying to start here? I am not the guy who said his name is Richard Cummings.Why bring me into this and accuse me? What are yourmotives? What is your proof? Why me? I never post on Lack. I have no opinion on chicken. I don't eat animals.
Hey, let's just start accusing me? For what reason?

I suggest everyone read all the posts kapahocat has posted on Lack's blog. Go to the cartoons and read comments. She posts supportive comments on the degrading cartoons about punaweb members.
Nope, I don't care what you wrote today.
I am saying it is very hypocritical to come on this thread saying you think people should not talk bad about others and then go on the two other forums and support bad talk about punaweb members throughout the past couple months.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Rob Tucker


Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

sorry Rob. your post happened while I was typing the reply to Kapahocat accusing me of something I never did over on lack's blog. Not ok to start saying I have done things I never did. This is attacking and not ok.
now that I corrected her accusation, I will stop.

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