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Is this a "Haole Special Oil Change Offer"?
I thought I would get an oil change. Sears was out (yes out...) of regular oil for their $30 regular. $50 for the synthetic was all they had.

So I decided to keep my money local instead and go to that garage in Pahoa next to parts store and across from Longs. I walked in and asked the woman at the desk how much a oil change was. She look at me and with a straight face said:

"We charge about $75."

I had never ever heard of an oil change that expensive. Anywhere. About $75? Is that subject to change and be higher after you start I wondered? There didn't seem to be any good reason to ask just what kind of special magic oil they were going to use. So I politely said thank you and left.

I suspect a local might have been quoted a lower price. No way to know that for sure though. You can bet that they are not going to be high on my list of places to consider for any auto related work.

Worse yet, try to do 'the right thing' by keeping your money local, and that old adage "No good deed goes unpunished" comes to mind.

Please don't pee on my leg and then try to tell me that it is raining.
I don't think the "Haole" card comes into play here. John is a fine mechanic, charges around $95.00/hr for labor (competitive for quality work), and probably doesn't wish to compete with the quick change franchises. I would have my oil changed somewhere else or do it myself; but would trust Pahoa Auto repair for anything more complex.
They may be great mechanics. I agree, the posted shop rate is reasonable. But at least to me, that isn't the point.

Seems to me that the easiest and most honest way to decline business like this that you don't want for whatever reason, would be to simply say "Sorry, we do not do oil changes". But to highball in that manner seems a bit disingenuous.

FWIW, there was one car in the shop. I didn't see anyone else waiting.

Please don't pee on my leg and then try to tell me that it is raining.

Your tone and assumptions lead me to believe you don't 'get it' on some level and are mad about other things.

My last posting on this.

I really care not a whit if someone thinks I get it or not. Not worth discussing further.

Please don't pee on my leg and then try to tell me that it is raining.
Wasn't it at Hooters that the coffee used to cost $50? "We don't serve it but hey, if you really want it, we'll go get it!"
I don't really like doing custom work anymore; It isn't any more profitable than my "product line".

Will I still do it? .....Yup, but I now charge a lot more.

I still think the "Haole" reference is unrealistic, as John is pretty haole himself.
If I do the math right: it takes about 1/2 hour - 42.50
typical car takes about 5 qts oil at about 4.00/qt 20.00
filter - about 7.00

that is about 69.50 + tax and disposal fee = about $75.00

Now I don't know what sort of loss leader deal Sears has going on, but I would guess that it is likely about $30. That plus travel to and from Pahoa.

The Pahoa deal doesn't sound like such a bad deal after all. Plus you support a local guy trying to earn a living.

Now if I did not do my own maintenance (as I believe every driver should), it would be a no brainer for me.
John is a good mechanic - been taking my car there for years. Never took it there for an oil change though. Always did the $20 deals in town with Firestone et al. And Ty - the receptionist - is really sweet.

Now Lex Brodies in Pahoa - don't even get me started! I was in for a small service when they told me they also looked at the brakes and that the brakes were 80 % worn down with only 20% brake pad remaining. Mechanic told me if I was his daughter he wouldn't even want me to drive home. Made an appointement to come back a few days later to have brakes replaced.

Was told on the second visit - "oh the guy looking at them the first time screwed up - it's not 20% remaining on the pads but rather 20% worn!" Had 80% life left on the brake pads! The excuse was the first guy that screwed up only worked Sundays and wrote it down wrong!!!

But the real kicker was when I went to have some tires replaced. When I made the appointment I was told the service would take a few hours so I asked the receptionist if it was possible to have someone give me a ride back to HPP (a total of 6 miles.) She said no problem. I double checked when I brought the car in adn she said no problem - she could take me back to HPP so I didn't have to wait for hours while it was repaired. As we were leaving the MANAGER threw a fit said - and I quote - they don' run a stinking taxi service, and that I should wait the 2 hour minimum in the waiting room they had. This MANAGER chewed out the employee right in front of me for offering to give me a ride back to my office.

Now, not every auto shop gives rides to its customers but I have dealt with several who have. NEVER, have I seen a manager treat his/her staff in such an unprofessional manner. I haven't stepped foot inside that place since.
$95 an hour for a mechanic is reasonable?? give me a break

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