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So it occurs to me that there is a steady stream of people who could do great things but for the lack of the land.
To all such persons of no country I propose this....
Let's get together and find out what we can actually get accomplished.
I can offer space on a 50 acre spot to get started practicing what we preach.
It's secure, private, nothing but potential to be a tremendous model for what can be done. Likely not to be our final permanent homestead but a great way to have a working prototype and then transfer the more perfected permaculture to permanent acreage.
And that ain't just for show!!
Integrated comprehensive farming, Kapoho, 50 acres, ocean view....Who's ready?
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Very interesting Smith! Can you disclose the location of this land?
Also, by agriculture, do you include growing bamboo as a building material?
Also again, if bamboo or other architectural material could be produced, would there be the room, resources, or energy for say, the manufacture of small affordable living units?
Mahalo, Greg
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Aloha Greg, it's in the northwestern of the 4corners; access for now is by RR Ave., and by Papaya Farms Rd. ASAP.
Certainly the bamboo is welcome and favorite of mine. There's only a small patch now of a 2-3" green sort.
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Check if you want to post it also on this forum:
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Oh thanks. I'll do that.
On the happy farmer note; my habaneros and spaghetti squash just became healthy seedlings!
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Wow, that didn't go well!
I just read about people are concerned with trolls here on punaweb...we'll see, but on that sensiblesimplicity forum I just got told I'm naive and should just give it away rather than do this.
so thanks to this group for not being like them!
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You can't expect Doomers to have much of a positive attitude about anything. Too busy counting down to the End of Days.
Good luck with your idea, Smith! I don't know if you'll have many takers since land is very cheap these days, but it's worth a shot. Keep us informed on how it's working out. 50 acres, that's big. Is it completely overgrown with anything? Strawberry guava?
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I went in there Unaware of any "doomer" nature.
I do already have participants...Of just the sort of specialists like right from my wishlist.
This is certain to grow exponentially as the basics get done.
I've joked that I'll need armed guards to turn away people bringing choke cash once it's become the self sustaining village.
Prices for land may be cheaper all the time, but it's still not free....and many havelost everything but their experience and honor. They can come here and attain what the strict individual self-sufficiency path can't provide.
Lots of trees need pruned and culled and stripped of parasite vines, but a lot is just overgrown grass. Already have someone mowing and baling it for horses and cattle.
More horses coming in this week. Then cattle later.
The first villagers are moving in next month, 3 confirmed... All with higher education and experience inagriculture. More scheduled to come see about it so no doubt we'll grow just as planned.
I did find a small patch of strawberry the property far down the road...good for using it's powers for goodinstead of evil!
There are a few regular guava on the property that are quite ono.
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Yes, a "doomer" nature over there (which I'm not) but also some very good inventive ideas to be found.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
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I have no doubt that there are worthwhile things to be found there.
I wouldn't have been so taken aback but for the comment "do we want to encourage this?"
As if they are a unified entity with an aim to accept or deny individual endeavor.
No badda me. I work with nature rather than against it... this ain't my first rodeo, I've spent my life getting myself well qualified to do exactly what I'm many times even if it's been unwanted knowledge at the time!
It's all been coming together so well lately that I forgot about the negativity still available.