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What kind of plane was that?
HPP has been overflown several times over the last few days by a very fast, very loud, with a high pitched engine noise, smallish white/gray airplane with vertical tips on the wings. It seemed low, but that is hard to judge when a fast plane is directly overhead against a cloudy sky.

Do any of you aviation experts know what it was and who is flying it for what purpose?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
ITO flight tracker ma help identify it next time it comes by

It is flying over in the same pattern each time, either it is flying in loops or else there are more than one. Not a commercial passenger plane (too small) and it doesn't look like any executive jet I've ever seem either. Seems like a specialized 1 to 4 person plane. It is very angular with no curved lines to the wings.


edited to add:
It looked kind of like this:

and just went overhead for the 3rd time this morning.

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
We've been getting buzzed by it.
Reminds me of when my ship got buzzed by MIG's (1972, somewhere in the China Sea off North Vietnam)!
Elizabeth got a look as it went by yesterday and said that, unlike the photo you showed, Carol, there were jet engines on the rear (one on each side).
Yes..I saw it in HPP yesterday and it was a jet plane. I figured it was some sort of military craft.
looked like one of the bigger Learjet's
Carol, I have seen a white experimental licensed (maybe a kit) plane (looked like a pusher plane) being towed down Hwy 130 (wings with angular tips folded in)a couple of times, & in Keaau town once... maybe someone in HPP area owns it???

Plus most all this week the flight patterns at Hilo Inter. have been reversed & normal traffic has been over Hilo &

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