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HPP Road Maint. Fees post 2012/13-County control?
As per:

"3. What is the effect of the paving bond on annual road maintenance fees charged to owners?
The Board annually sets the road fees. The Bylaws do not allow more than a 10% increase annually. It is
assumed that to meet the bond payback schedule and maintain our non-paved roads (which the indenture
requires), the 10% maximum allowed annual increases will continue only through 2012/13. Thereafter,
the Board will determine if annual increases are needed and at what percent to cover the remaining bond
debt service and to continue maintenance of non-paved roads."

Can I assume that come 2013 my multiple per/lot road maintenance fees will stop growing by a mandated 10% / year? What happens after? 3%? 5%? ?%? How much did it cost to maintain the roads pre-bond? How much does it cost now? Can I as a lot owner see the books on the roads?

I've seen first hand in similar communities what happens with private roads in private neighborhoods managed by private people - inefficiency, inability and high costs that grow exponentially and inordinately.

I think we in HPP as a community should seriously weigh the benefits of our roads being private vs. County maintained.
The county doesn't want to do anything with the roads in HPP.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

I agree with John. We've been down this road before. The county doesn't want anything to do with HPP. They don't have the money or the manpower to invest in taking on HPP roads.
The county has all the HPP property taxes.
beejee, you might want to research some of the issues and history before jumping into the fray.

There is a general membership meeting the last Sunday of October
Beejee, those of us who have observed the HPP road situation for a number of years can tell you not to expect any relier from the County. A big reason the County's offer to put a park in HPP was voted down was the County's refusal to help maintain even a single road leading to the park, never mind the rest.

But don't feel bad about not knowing this, beejee. When Councilman Fred Blas appeared before the HPP Committee on PMAR, his last remark when someone pointed out that PMAR could increase wear and tear on our private roads was, "Why don't you just give them to the County?" This was a simply breathtaking display of ignorance by the guy who is supposed to represent Puna at the County Council. If he doesn't get it, I think we can forgive beejee.

Meanwhile, we are on our own unless the legislature passes the fuel tax sharing legislation. Even then, I honestly believe the County of Hawaii would try to find a way not to do it unless forced. So in the meantime, I suggest that all HPP property owners participate in the business of the hui. There is a General Membership Meeting at 3 p.m. on Sunday, October 30 where anyone can make motions which are binding as long as they don't conflict with Hawaii law or the Association By-Laws. It is possible to influence how we deal with the financial realities of a $12 million bond and on-going maintenance costs. It's called participation.
I think a fact sheet thats not as whitewashed as the FAQs on hppoa website would be handy for people.

hint! hint !
The county doesn't want to own up to HPP but definitely wants to gain from it's constituency!
Originally posted by beejee

The county doesn't want to own up to HPP but definitely wants to gain from it's constituency!

beejee, you need to think more broadly...there are many other substandard subdivisions in the same boat as HPP. And until we get elected officials at the County and State level who understand and care about our needs (in all subdivisions...) and who are willing to fight to get our long-standing issues resolved, we're going to have to do the best we can with what we have...

It sucks, but it is what it is...

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