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budget.... what do you spend your money on?
My husband loves Moa Ula from Ka'u, Cloud Rest, grown in Pahala. He mail orders it, they have a site if you search the name. He likes medium roast and they do one.

I like Sharky's from Puna, very good mail order prices, but it is all dark roast.
My favorite coffee is still Sumatran, preferably aged complex Indonesian. Not a Kona coffee drinker, but I have tried the Royal Kona and think it is mediocre.

I picked up some Sam Choy's decaf on the other side when I needed some decaf and there wasn't much choice, and was surprised to find it quite good.

Safeway is featuring Hilo coffee mill, but I can't afford it.

Mauna Kea Tea Co is one:

and Tea Hawaii:

also check with the Hawaii Tea SOciety :

and the CTAHR link on commercial potential of tea:

Kelena, Sharky's is $12/lb. Pretty much cheaper than any whole beans from anywhere that I can find in stores. Nothing like buying coffee directly from the grower. I just meet him in Hilo, so no shipping costs.
Kelena, Costco usually has Mountain Thunder for $20.00 a pound. You can get Lisa's Ka'u Coffee, Moa Ulu Cloudrest for $17.00 a pound at the Volcano Farmer's Market every sunday. I think her's is the best. You can mail order it in the meantime I think for $20.00 a pound plus shipping. She also sells it at her roadside stand just past Pahala. Some of the growers charge regular prices no matter where you buy it. Hilo Coffe Mill is good coffee and is roasted in Kona. Depending on where you live, you can also grow your own.
Carey - thanks for the tea information, much appreciated!


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