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Honk if you don't like the Shores speed bumps
To all of you who seriously cannot stand the speed bumps that was put in on Papio streetin Hawaiian Shore's, Honk your horns when you drive by them and drive over them. Lets give some of the noise back to the President and residents that put them in!!!
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
Ugh,,,,, Lame ! >>>> Please apply the golden rule here and NOT do this !!! Unfair to those who did not ask nor had a choice to have them placed in front of their homes. If you truely feel the impulsive need to do this, research for yourselves on this topic and then decide who and if ....

malama pono,
I was under the impression that the whole street agreed to put the bumps in and paid for them.... I count six houses that would be affected, two of which are empty. I know two of the remaining four where involved in installing the bumps, I am sure the other two were as well. Seems like Honking would only effect the people responsible for the bumps and seeing as they don't care about the 20+ households in the neighborhood along coastal puna..... not to mention the people needing to get down the highway.... I think the golden rule failed long ago in this situation. Of course it would be easy to concentrate the honking right around the glorified field, I wonder who that would effect? Thinking about all this makes me realize that it was probably no more then 4 houses that made this decision for the entire HSCA and all the folks down the government road.
I would like to know the names and addresses of the people that put these speed bumps in. Also, I would like to point out that I have not read a single valid argument for whey they were put in. While the several negative are obvious and severe. The selfishness is disgusting and these people should be ashamed.
I remember the sign as you leave the airport on Molokai: Slow Down -- It's Molokai!
If you really want to get serious, then call a special membership meeting and vote them gone. BOD can be overuled by a vote of the membership. The process should be outlined in the by-laws.

You might first try petition the BOD. Get many signatures.

This is a result of not staying involved in your community politics.
There was just a "clean sweep" of the entire BOD. This Board is relatively new.

Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Daniel - that makes so much more sense than starting a neighbor feud. The honking thing seems very childish to me and way too agressive for a mellow lifestyle.
Originally posted by DanielP

If you really want to get serious, then call a special membership meeting and vote them gone. BOD can be overuled by a vote of the membership. The process should be outlined in the by-laws.

You might first try petition the BOD. Get many signatures.

This is a result of not staying involved in your community politics.

Oh DanielP, if it were only as easy as that!

This community has been torn apart by just what you suggest. In 2006 or 2007, a valid petition for a special membership meeting was delivered to the Board[^] The Board did not call the special meeting[V] The members who delivered the petition followed Hawaii State Law regarding this circumstance and called their own meeting, sent out their own ballots to vote for the removal of 7 directors, spent their own money to accomplish this and the vote came back to remove the 7 directors[8]

However, the 7 directors refused to step down. Annual elections came around a couple months later and the directors were not re-elected. This was the second time the MEMBERSHIP had spoken!

Did the Board allow the newly elected Board to take the reins? NO[Sad!]

The banks were notified by a member of the old board that a hostile takeover was ensuing and the Secretary and Treasurer refused to sign off of the bank accounts[B)]

The banks determined there were two separate boards competing for control of the monies and filed for relief in the courts.

Needless to say this is the Reader's Digest version and there was a lot more that went on, but most of it was PERSONAL B******T! Many mistakes were made on both sides of the issue. None of which benefited the membership at large. There were public character assassinations, name-calling, physical threats, allegations of fraud, TRO's etc.

The end result - It cost the membership over $100,000 in legal fees and many of the members who were involved with the community politics have had their names besmirched and reputations ruined as a result. Even the employees felt the brunt of this as some long time dedicated workers lost their jobs.

Fast forward to the present - the members are a little gun shy of the processes as laid out in the bylaws and Hawaii State Law because no one is better off having gone down that path.

I would caution anyone thinking of going down this path to not forget our history. There has to be a better way! Let's learn from our mistakes or we will be destined to make them again[Sad]

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
Originally posted by jackson

Daniel - that makes so much more sense than starting a neighbor feud. The honking thing seems very childish to me and way too agressive for a mellow lifestyle.

The honking is an act of civil disobedience which is much better and more effective than appealing to a Board that treats the members with disrespect, name calling, sneers and jeers when members speak up with a different opinion than the Board.

Have you been to a Board meeting to witness the utter contempt shown to members that oppose their "path of the righteous"? You should try it.

Keep on HONKING!!!! They will have to listen. This is a result of THEIR one-sidedness!
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein

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