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Looking for NEW Coqui Frog Tips
I have tons of grass because where I live it is the easiest ground cover. Can't say it reduces the coqui population!

Actually my doctor says that tight or underwire bras can be a breast cancer risk, and she is an older and very well respected Hilo physician. Might have to do with restricting lymphatic circulation.

Agree about Singer, just sayin ...

Highly recommend the ammonia. I once squirted some at a few bufo toads, and the next day I had dead toads. I didn't expect that from one little spritz. I don't kill bufos so never did that again, but it showed me that ammonia kills frog like critters.

I got that tip from someone here, a couple years ago.
#32 might lead to developing some ideas. I was thinking that a sound wave that creates a fear response in the frog that silences the calls. Or perhaps one that effectively prevents the females from pinpointing the males. Such a sound wave would probably not be inaudible to humans, but if it prevents mating it would only have to be employed for the lifecycle of the frog, then it could be discontinued until they encroach again. Certain insecticides would be useful as they kill the frogs and their food supply, but I don't think the environmental consequence would be worth it.

Personally, having grown up to the lulling sounds of crickets, I don't mind the noise of the coquis. I wouldn't want one in the same room as me but so long as I could have a frog-free perimeter around the house that would be sufficient. Does anybody know what altitude is high enough that its coqui free?

I just keep any vegetation away from house. This includes pots of orchids. I used to have orchids hanging along the lanai which I really miss now. However, the coquis lived in the pots even tho there was no dirt, just open wooden slatted pot with roots. Those coquis will live in anything.
So for me it worked to have all vegetation inc. pots at least 15 feet away from the house.
YES, the cuteness factor of the tropical Hawaiian plantation house surrounded by foliage is gone. Now there is foliage everywhere around the house, but not near.
It has really helped to control the volume of the noise. There are thousands of coquis on my Orchidland property, but with the noise moved away from the house I can watch tv and talk on the phone and have conversations in normal tones.

I sleep with earplugs because the outside and inside dogs barks are so loud they will wake me through the ear plugs. The plugs do work great for the coquis.
I use the wax plugs from Longs. They are what I use to swim. I just started to use them at night because they are so comfortable.

My niece's family lives in Volcano Village and they have NO coquis.
My nephew's family lives in Royal Estates and they have NO coquis.
My good friend in Hawaiian Ferns has just a very few and he keeps them at bay with vigilant clearing of foliage. But they do pop up at Hawaiian Ferns for him sometimes.
I paid off my land and now I'm freeeeeeeee!!!!! So, I can do just about anything I want, right?!

Some plants were here already here when I moved in and since I never even picked up a shovel before I moved here, I didn't want to clean/trim then and inadvertently kill them. Now, if they die because of my purple thumb, oh well.

There's alot of fishtail palms bordering the front and they're very close together. I hear plenty of coquis in that area but it's like they echo and I can't find them. Footings not too good around the trees too.

The lady in our subdivision who got the coqui sprayer from the county is a headcase so I can't use it. So, I power washed the fish tail palm tree trunks that were covered with moss. I bought the $144 power washer from Walmart and it comes with a reservoir to put soap to wash your car or whatever. I wonder if I could get a concentrated amount of citric acid into that reservoir or if the pressure washer could pull a mix from a 35 gallon garbage can or somethinggggggggggggg

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