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Honk if you don't like the Shores speed bumps
@ Whitey, Thank you for pointing that out to me. I don't appprove of ANY candidate doing this in any way shape or form. I view both sides of wrong doing. I found the list of 7 candidate on HAWAIIANSHORESWATCHDOG.BLOGSPOT.COM. It list frist name an first letter of last name. Funny how the watchdog had the list of candidates before the BOD,election committee and the office. Hmmmmmm.... How did that happened? To answer your firt Q, Yes, and that form is me asking the county for there endorsement, and there can choose to endorse me or not. Have a good day.
::::::::::::::exhaling::::::::::::::gentle sigh::::::::::::

"Not worth the gas." I understand.

As it turns out it would be lost on me anyway; I hear people honking all the time across the street so one more honk is no problem. I will just figure it is yet one more friendly neighbor honking hello to another. My world is filled with rainbows and love. Malicious intent is so lost on me most of the time. May you be blessed in your efforts to be the change you want to see.

Question Authority!
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
kinda like "go with your bad self" saying and geese honk so...i threw it all together. peace
Just check the watchdog site and the list of candidates was posted at 06:43 on, OCTOBER 4, 2012. One month before the election committee meeting, and looks like the the Resident Owner Coalition has SECURED and will support the 7 for election. How did Da R O C. get a list of candidates before anybody? HMMMMMMM...., and they know there collective experience before anybody. Sound like watchdog has a special interest in getting 3 of the 7 on the BOD and not the other 3. Look like watchdog web site is all one sided. All negetive against the new BOD. Strange, I though watchdog was to watch out for all HSCA membership, and not just some. I recieved a letter last year sent out from the R O C with Doom address on it and it states, They want our streets maintained, our simming pool taken care of, our water system to continue to provide safe drrinking water and they want members to abide by the rules. Now I know why they sent this to the mainland lot owners and not the members here. I know 2 people on this leter have been on the BOD for the pass 1 to 3 years(give or take) and 3 of the people on this letter are running this year. In 2009,2010 there have been on upgrade to the pool, can't get the water meters installed, No PER, HAS NOT APPLY FOR USDA GRANT/LOAN, DIDN'T ASK MEMBERSHIP TO VOET ON WATER METER, NEVER MENTION RE-ZONING OF THE BARN YARD PROPERTY, never FIX THE BARN,only maintain 1 park out of 3 and the road sides usally look like s***. What did they do? SPENT MONEY ON WATER METER WE DIDN'T NEED AND payroll(They did take good care of the park around the office).All the stuff the new BOD is doing, except the payroll they cut that. and buy meters. Maybe a few to finish the job.Still not happy. And now they want us to elected the candidates they are supporting. WOW!
I am going to honk as I walk by.
Shootz; Honk if you don't like stop signs! They can be terribly inconvenient for someone in a hurry.

Well I think its safe to say the uppity folks on Papio can pat themselves on the back. Mission accomplished. They have moved the highway from Papio to Coastal Puna. Regular stream of through travelers driving down costal puna, almost nothing on Papio. Congratulations! Now there is no mistaking why people dislike you, you are selfish and entitled.
[Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

Wikipedia says:

"Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity."

Hope its not contagious!

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
This is not in my neighborhood so I've got no dog in this fight. Just thinking that with all the serious problems in the world, it doesn't bode well for our species when neighbors can't even cooperate on something as mundane as speed bumps. Maybe it's just me, but folks seem so quick to smear on the warpaint when disagreements arise.

I'd be interested in hearing ideas from the affected folks, particularly how the energy being put into this feud might be applied to a more productive endeavor. If you put your heads together, I believe you're capable of coming up with many positive, high-impact ideas to make your neighborhood better--on a much broader and meaningful scale than speed bumps.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Originally posted by Obie

I was expecting speed bumps the size of Mauna Loa.Looked fairly normal to me.Did it ruin my whole day to have to drive over them? NO !!!

You people really need to chill out.I have never seen such an overblown non issue.

There are two sides to every story... Now as soon as I get my train horns installed.... Should be interesting to see what happens @ 3AM ... Tongue

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