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The Bull in my yard
No, not talking about the elephant in the room ...

There really is a bull wandering around in my yard. I heard it crashing around last night. My comments that we had either a cow or a horse out there were met with derision. [:p]

Until this morning ... as it browsed by the toppled over yard furniture ...

Called the Humane Society ...
another day in rural Hawai'i ... [Big Grin]

"And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody, outside of a small circle of friends ~ Phil Ochs
now that's BS !
[Big Grin]
No, really, a scared bull bullied his way into your yard?
Hope the humane society actually comes and gets him. He could really do some damage as well as BS.

Couldn't resist.[Big Grin]
We laughed to see a bull right outside ...

The Humane Society said they don't have their trailer right now, and they prefer the owner to take care of it. Problem is, don't know who is the owner. They asked me to tell them exactly where it is, but the problem with WANDERING bull is no fixed location. Dude needs GPS tracker.

I feel for them having to come out and look for it, but it headed out of my yard and I'm not going to go out in the rain and stalk the animal for them.

If they don't find him, I'm guessing he will be back. [Big Grin]

He did eat some of the California grass, which he's welcome to. I wish he hadn't knocked my chairs over, but at least he stayed out of the veggie garden.

Maybe the lightning did scare him into leaving his home turf.

"And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody, outside of a small circle of friends ~ Phil Ochs
When we had our pool dug, we ended up with a pile of rock about 15 feet high. One morning I looked outside and saw two goats grazing on top like it was the friggin' Matterhorn. One thing is sure, every day is a new adventure in Hawaii nei...
Alright, when is the BBQ?

Puna Love
Puna Love
Get out the big rotisserie!

Alright!! Matador training at Kathy's!!!
I grew up on a ranch with 1,600 cattle, and we rarely had to worry about the bulls being aggressive or hostile. It was the cows with young calves that would try to kill us if they felt we were a threat, or sometimes just for the hell of it. We had horses that were meaner than the bulls, but that's another story.

Given Kathy's location, it's likely the bull in question came from a smallish herd and is used to being around humans. He may already be home, having followed his nose toward an attractive female.
I should have asked you guys for my options ... now I can't have the BBQ! [Wink]

Yep, Jerry, the bull was mellow and acted as placid as a (non-mothering) cow. If you look at pix below, second pick shows his blue collar. Someone loves him and wants him back!

There is a herd down by the ocean and I did tell the HS that was the likely source. But the owner is absentee and her tenant whom I know is off island, so I couldn't help the HS out with a phone contact.

Bull pix

KeaauRich, I'll keep an eye out for those Matterhorn goats. [:p]

"And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody, outside of a small circle of friends ~ Phil Ochs
Very cute bull. Is he still there? Is the Humane Society going to come get him? Is he leaving your garden alone? And what about the BS ?[Big Grin]

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