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Horse Meat-
This is one of those topics where emotion seems to trump rational thought.

Mankind has been eating horsemeat for millions of years. And in most countries today horsemeat is still widely consumed. In fact, in Japan it is considered a delicacy. It is really only in English speaking countries like the UK and the USA that a kind of "oooo, icky" taboo seems to have arisen. And THAT seems based on the weird anthropomorphism our cultures seem to subject our pets and companion animals to.

No, sorry, even if you give it a name and talk baby talk to it, it's still an animal, so why NOT eat it?

But I digress...

The simple fact is that the ban on inspections of horse slaughter operations (that Obama just reversed) had a dreadful impact on the welfare of "surplus" horses, pushing them into long distance trade with slaughter operations in Canada and Mexico, where they don't observe such silly notions as "if it has a name you can't eat it."

Sorry, my chickens have names and make very tasty soup. Get over it!
. . .and humans are animals as well. Life belongs to the owner and it is not our right to take. Horses are not stock or commoditites. Neither are cows chickens, etc. Sorry, but this is something I will never "get over."
They eat them in Japan. I had some, and I have to say, TASTY! They eat them in France.....

UMMM.... there are commodity markets for cows, chickens...even horses....

I am not saying it is a moral or ethical thing....but PLEASE try to use the correct terms! (eta: of course.... that is up to you, but I have found that when someone does not come across as well-reasoned...I tend to tune them out.... but that is me...)
Jeez Carey, of course I know there are commodity markets for animals. That doesn't make them a commodity. Life isn't ours to take and life is not a commodity.
Just to stir the pot, how will the introduction of axis deer, who graze the grass so low that cows can't eat it, affect keeping horses?
Is there any hunting of Axis deer?
I fail to understand why people get so upset at the cruel treatment of animals while ignoring institutions that promote animal cruelty on a much much larger scale.

Folks that want to take a stand against the way our food is processed and manufactured should be protesting at McDonalds, KFC, Safeway, etc.

Watch "Food Inc" if you haven't already.
When I'm on the Big Island I rather eat a axis deer than a horse. But if it's a blind taste test I'll can't tell the diff anyway?
I'd rather eat an axis deer on a horse. They taste better on a horse.

Throw another horse on the barbi! Invite the neighbors.

Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

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