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White House Presidential Daily Actions Link
This is so everyone knows how to get the daily facts, about what is really going on in Washington, so we can eliminate the hear say .
Here you will find the Executive Orders or other legislative orders that will change or effect, the way we live here in Hawaii.

In my future post, I'll can keep it Puna related.

Now, that they are eliminating the middle class, their is new class title, which is:
" Your On Your Own " YOYO..

Happy Holidays..
Be Aware..and take the time to care!
O.K. Rob,

I rest my case on this ...

Politically motivated posters, please place your topics in appropriate headings such as Puna Politics or Events and save us regular folks from your -------- unless we want to seek them out.

most sincerely,
Who"s the "1%" on the Big Island? We all love our dogs and cats but I question signing 4 figure checks to those doggie oncologists and cat endocrinologists. At some point we have to let go our beloved pets and move on. Mourn for a month and find a new pet to cherish.

Also regarding "Wall Street" detected some suspicious trading activity last month for HA my fav stock right now since it's saving me from an otherwise disastrous year. I don't trade options but looked at the options page about a month ago the 2nd week in November. The stock was trading for 5.38 and the option with highest "open interest" was a call with strike price 6 expiring in November trading for 10 cents. So I was thinking even the smart money gotta lose sometime. Then the market surged the last week of November sweeping along HA closed on Nov30 at 6.03 the first time it hit 6 in 2years. Then the next day Dec1 slip back to 5,96. So my question is if I bought the call when it was 10cents does that mean I could buy the Kona Coast now and as Paul Newman said who are those guys???

Also the 1960's inspired great music here's another one for Occupy with aloha with my fav rave the Kinks=

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