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Has anyone used Bar-king Dogs Kennels?
Shoots, I guess my kitties are the only ones that didn't like it. [Wink]
But did you guys visit during the boarding, or just do the drop off and pick up?

When I visited mine, they looked at me so accusingly. It was like I had put them in jail and they had no idea why. And why was I leaving without taking them with me? It was painful. From then on I have stuck to house-sitters so that the pets could stay at their own home.

Ever since I boarded them (4 1/2 years ago), the cats completely freak out if I even shut them in the house for a short period of time. They go nuts and run around trying to get out, simply because they are shut in. They were never like that before the stay in the kennel.

I guess they are neurotic freedom-loving cats. [Sad]
Hey, one of my cats hates it there....but he really doesn't like much.... We did visit on one boarding, as that was for house tenting, and doogy loved it, one cat was in helping the staff with meal prep & generally happy with life, 2 cats were not happy, but not pissed......AND one....well, pissed would be a very mild way of putting it....he HATES it, hates me for taking him there, hates their room, hates their climb posts, hates the staff, sends the litter box flying every time.... & I still have the scar from the first time boarding him & he let me know HOW much he hates it....but the staff is always great with him, talking & treating him gently....

so I gotta say it is that cat (these cats are confined ex feral/strays...the hater has gotten loose & lost for 2 weeks once in the last 4 years & was mean & nasty while out & after no real change...if he didn't have a loving streak in him now & then he probably would not be around...
We've left our small dogs there four or five times in the past two years and have been pleased with the staff and facility. The dogs stay together in one of the ohana suites so they can keep each other company. The older one hated several of the kennels we've had to leave him at on the mainland but he's been fine at Bar-King every time. They are "velcro dogs" at home, never wanting to be left at home when we go to do errands, so I've been pleasantly surprised at their willingness to be dropped off at the kennel without having a fit.
Lol, Carey ...
OK, there all sorts of cats, thanks for reminding us of that. Of my two cats, both were unhappy, but not equally so.

My more neurotic cat is actually one that prefers to be wherever I am, so not feral, is happy to be inside so long as she CAN get out. The ability to get out if she so wishes is key; at the kennels she could not get out of a cage for a month, and her response was to adopt the fetal position back behind the chair most of her stay, as opposed to yours that protested more violently -- and refused to come to me when I visited as I had betrayed her trust.

My other cat was able to go into the playroom area and had a better time.
It is a nice place, but I just think that it is not for all cat personalities. Dogs are so much more social.

At the time I was there, one of the employees had a side business of boarding the more fragile cats in her own home, and that would be another option. The cats would be away from all the barking and in a less institutional setting. I mean, it is not exactly cushy ... they do encourage you to bring stuff. I took the cats' favorite cushions that had their scent on them and their scratchy toy and stuff.
Haven't used them only because they mentioned that they charge extra to give the animals "play time" outside of a cage. And they charge by the half hour per animal to let them run around (my guys are never crated and thus would have a hard time being suddenly caged 24/7.). Given that I have multiple animals (cats and dogs) - paying to give them time to run really adds up during a couple week travel trip.

I will say I used Hilo Holiday Pet Hotel and love them! Susan is great up there. No extra fees to let them run around. She spoils them. They have a separate cattery. The cat cages are two levels and big enough for 2 cats to be in one cage or side by side. Apparently one of my kitties started LOVING the Greenies kitty cookie treats she gave them.

You do have to provide your own pet food but the overall boarding costs are similar to Barking Kennel. When you pick up your pets they are wearing dog treat leis. Whenever I travel I know I can leave my crew there and I don't need to worry about them or if they're ok.
Yes! My two cats were boarded (quarantined) there when we first moved to Hawaii for three months. No issues. We were able to visit them whenever we wanted.
My dog was also there on a few occasions, he was very happy.
Nice people who I will trust in the future when needed.
Hilo Kennels are the best I have ever used anywhere.
We have an 11 year old "velcro" dog (does not leave people's side) and a 10 month old puppy.
Hilo Kennels has 3 large fenced areas with covered patio area also for rainy days. The fenced areas are for either small dogs, large dogs and one for dogs that don't play well with others and have to be by themselves.
They take your dog for walks at no extra charge and they get to go out for romping and playtime at no extra charge and they also supply the food and give pills for no extra charge. The kennels are all clean and large. Love this place.
They have doggie day camp for socializing. When we are over on other sidefor a long day we leave the dogs in doggie day camp.
How long have they been in the biz? for me track records count....
We have used Bar King Dog Kennels for 10 years, many tines per year, and have never paid an extra fee for our dogs to run outside in the play area. Perhaps, this is an extra fee for their doggie "day care." The rates are very reasonable, and our dogs seem to enjoy it there and they come home clean and healthy.

We even got a card signed by all of the staff when our old guy recently passed on. We only used them once for our cats....when our house was tented. Cats are cats...and they have an attitude about everything. They survived their stay just fine.

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