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Civil Unions
Kelena: "Once I get one."
(ETA- hit the tab button which inadvertently posted my beginning of the message)
Just wanted to let you and all readers know that the Puna Men's Chorus will be performing "Aloha Broadway!" this Sat. Jan 21 at the HPP Activity Center. Come and you may meet up with a certified CU practitioner,and/or a potential boyfriend, but for sure you will hear some great music from a group of Puna's own.

Kelena....OK.... I know of a few gentle men, each of whom are also searching, and each fit only a part of your "wants" list....(yup, even have a PHD in the list).

So, you say, WHY haven't I lined them up... I have found that the best-est relationships evolve from people engaged in activities that are their passions & meeting others that share many of those passions. Lucky for us, this island has sooo many venues to enjoy & share so many passions....

So my wish for you is to follow your passions, and if you happen to meet & fall enrapture with one of the gentle men I know, I would be over the top!

So to you, I wish you the best-est mate!


I followed my passion and look where I ended up: on an isolated point at the end of the world, infested with poisonous frogs who, like reptilian zombies, attempt in vain to storm the compound every evening. So, instead of pursuing romance by doing things I love (like pursuing romance and snorkeling, and pursuing romance while snorkeling), I have decided to just have what I want shipped in from China via container from So much easier (for me, if not for him).

If there weren't so much government regulation, I could just go to a kiosk at Walmart and tell it what I want and have it shipped to the store, but that socialist Obama won't let the market operate freely and allow me to order a guy that way.

While I am waiting for my order from, I am just going to skip the preliminaries, and stand out on Highway 130 with a sign that says "Honk if you want to have a civil union with me". Law of averages. Someone's gonna honk.

Either that, or I will start going to that exercise class as the LDS church in HPP taught by that guy named Adonis. Tuesdays and Thursdays and is only $5. Not sure what, but SOMETHING good has got to come of that.

David Shaw: Those boys are coming to HPP? I'm there. Love 'em.

hawaiideborah -- I have an officiant who can make this happen for you, so you can get this whole, tedious matter behind you, without ceremony. She is a former judge. Not free though. E-mail me for details. Glad I could help.

ETA: She is straight, but gay and lesbian friendly. You would like her.
Apologies in advance for ranting.

The reason for impatience on my part is because the State and its workers have had PLENTY of time to prepare for CUs. There's no reason to be told to leave a message at the Dept. of Health with the only person that will return your call and wait close to 2 weeks with no response.

I called again and was told to leave another message because that person was working with a couple. I did. More than two hours later, I was still waiting. So I called again. The woman was rather nonchalant and said, "Oh yeah, I have your message here."

What you might not understand is that we had to dissolve our RBR in order to acquire the CU license. That means there's a lag time be it for legalities or medical coverage. I'm all for progress, but when your life is in the State's hands, it can be scary and one can stress out.

Yes I totally turned into a bridezilla. My dress wasn't ready until the day before our ceremony. We were wondering whether or not the caterer was going to show up. She did, but was over an hour late. The plates ordered came just in time. etc. etc.

We're so very happy that we now have all the legal rights of "traditional" married couples (State only) and truly felt the love and support of our guests (some PWers) who shared that most wonderful moment with us.

Kelena, we've met but once. To know me, you'd understand that I like things to be organized. I'm working on being patient, seriously. Just ask my partner. She'd agree that I'm getting better.

Originally posted by Kelena

I may know someone, hawaiideborah, and I am seeing her this evening. I will ask her, if I can find a way to work it in to our meeting.

I am very happy that Hawaii is now offering civil unions and am always somewhat surprised at the impatience with progress. When I was young, I had a friend who would drag me around to hospitals and old folks homes to visit ailing older gays. I talked with quite a few of them who lived in San Francisco in the old days. Basically, anywhere they met was an illegal gathering and beatings in bars at the hands of the police was not uncommon. This was within my lifetime. Forward, ever forward, pausing from time to time to be grateful for the incredible progress we have made in my lifetime.

I think I can now tell you that I was not accepted into the Army because I was deemed "IV-F", because they found out I was homosexual (something even I wasn't quite sure of at the time!).

I don't think civil unions are intended to be user-friendly, like an ATM although it is clear that not all consequences were thought through carefully and deliberately. They will fix that. That happened in California, too, with domestic partnerships. Progress, not perfection. Isn't that what the twelve-steppers, say?

Anyway, I'm a romantic guy at heart, as evidenced by the fact that I moved to remote volcanic island, and so, naturally, I see entering into a civil union as an opportunity to reaffirm a romantic relationship.

Once I get one.

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

As an guest to the above ceremony, the ceremony was beautiful, and it was truly wonderful to see the way everyone there was there to support 2 very dear friends as they entered into a very long awaited public commitment to each other.

It did take me back to my own wedding, when the priest had stated that each of the guests was there to support and honor the union Jim & I were creating, a public statement of our commitment to each other, and within our community.

Thank you for allowing us to share your day!

It should never have taken this long, both in the long run & the more recent short run....& I have no idea WHY the state would ever create the very scary time between RB & civil union.... it is not like they have no-one there to look at things like that! only guess is that quite a few were asleep at the helm of this law!
We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day and location at Honoli'i overlooking the entire bayfront. It was interesting and lots of fun to see our guests interpret our "black and white" themed reception. One guest commented that we need to have this type of party again in three months. Hmm? Maybe next year as we celebrate our 25th anniversary together.

Apparently, the hula I danced for my sweetheat brought tears to many eyes--even some of the men! Love was definitely in the air!

Really, Carey (and Jim), it is we who must thank you and all of our other guests for your never-ending support, aloha and acceptance of two people who truly love each other.

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

Carey, you were at the ceremony?


"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
I'll answer that for you. They were not at the ceremony. She meant to say reception.

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

It was not a serious question...I was pulling my friend's pretty leg! [Big Grin]


"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR

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