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Heco Commercials
Anybody see the HECO commercials on TV explaining about why our electric bills are so huge and what we can do about lowering them?. They looked like automatons programed by the oil companies.

The one thing they didn't mention and its probably the single thing that will save you the most money on your electric bill is not use your dryer. Hang them up on a clothes line.

I think they don't want to encourage residents in high tourist areas like Waikiki hanging their laundry out on the balconies. Kind of gives it that 3rd world look to unsuspecting visitors.
Did you also notice that promise not to get better?


Ninole Resident
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Ninole Resident
Here is the Per kilowatthour for Oahu and the Big Island 2010.
Rate Schedule Average cents per kilowatthour
Residential 25.47

Big Island Hawaii
Rate Schedule Average cents per kilowatthour
Residential 36.31

If rates need to be raised let Oahu be the first to see the increase.

OCCUPY HELCO!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny how they set up all those windmills just to ship the power to Oahu. Wouldn't you think they would use the energy where it's most expensive? Not only that, I'm sure they are losing 10-20% more sending it to Oahu where if it was used on the big island they could save a lot of power instead transmission loss.

Helco and government never seem to amaze.
Heco trying to stop dereg bill-

i still say the real alt energy is oil since they need the fluid part to run the cars anyway.
I saw those commercials too.

I said WTF? that is so lame.

A commercial is not going to make me feel better about my high energy rates.

The only thing that will make me feel better is continuing to switch every thing I can to other fuel sources - like sun, and lower usage like through LED's etc, clotheslines, and basically tell them to KMA.

If I don't need them as much, then they will need to do something to make me want them. Right now, we are a captive audience. And who is actually on the Utility (PUC) Commission? When do they meet? what is on their agenda at their next meeting?

I like the Occupy Helco idea!

Such a funny commercial. Turn off your air conditioner, they advise. I have an air conditioner?
Don't know if the commercial is more ridiculous or insulting, as if we don't do all we can to keep use low. No dishwasher, no drier, two wash loads only each week, no oven use, one lamp from 6-10 PM, shut down everything every night, etc. etc. And our (2 people) last bill is still close to $200... Only been on the BI (a mile from geothermal plant) 3 years, after north shore Oahu for 30 years, and prices/rates here are notably higher.
Good ol'-fashioned cronyism. Someday enough people will get fed up and elect the right people to take care of it.
Need to take a look at the entrenched union system as well.
And yes, I'm talking about Hawaii.
Probably won't happen in my lifetime, tho'.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
These are bills that are being proposed regarding HECO/HELCO, geothermal energy, and other related issues. Please submit testimony as the ones listed below are to be heard this coming week.

It is time for change, and we need to assist our elected officials in this effort. If the manner in which the State does business with HECO/HELCO and geothermal developer(s) is finally addressed, perhaps we will reap the benefits. Please submit testimony for these bills, and not allow our children to be saddled with unnecessary costs and higher rates.

SB2001, SB2325, SB2330, SB2981, SB2982

This bill, 3003, has passed first reading (yesterday) FYI:

Search link for all bills including those referenced above:

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