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Forget GMOs, scientists are creating bionic plants
What to make of this???

Forget GMOs, scientists are creating bionic plants

"Call it the rise of the nanobionic super-plants: Researchers at MIT are giving plants super powers by placing tiny carbon nanotubes deep within their cells.

Some of the altered plants increased their photosynthetic activity by 30% compared with regular old plants. Others were able to detect tiny traces of pollutants in the air.

And that's just the beginning."
Maybe plants of this type could monitor the air around the PGV facility?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Hawaii County Council will ban this in 3, 2, 1...
I've got a better idea.
Let's draft new legislation that allows the scientific fetishes for modifications of natural processes to move to Mars. There they can terra form, engage in climate engineering, genetically alter, and basically screw around in what ever manner that floats their creationism fetish boat. This planet would become off-limits with regard to their field testing. This way, after they've worked out all the damn bugs in their sciences - then they can show the people of the planet Earth a new OS - Mars 1.0. Until such a working balanced model has triumphed on Mars, I'd prefer if they put and keep all their crackpot experiments in the lab.
There's an old saying "If it isn't broken, don't fix it."

OH BTW... is this a science forum now?
Why don't you start an anti-science forum, Jungle Man?
Human history is the history of improving nature. So far, so good.

Let's set aside an island for all the anti-science people, nothing invented after 1800 allowed. My guess there won't be many takers.
Well Paul since your idea of science is to allow unregulated field testing on every crackpot creation to ever spill out of laboratory beaker then yes, I'm seriously ANTI SCIENCE.
So... in this case, we can send you off to Mars and since you enjoy partaking in unregulated field testing, you'll love it there... BON APPETIT.
I'd love to go to Mars!

Anti-science person expressing his views via the internet, oh the irony. Watch out, it might give you cancer, can't be too careful.
"Human history is the history of improving nature. So far, so good."

That statement has to be one for the books and speaks volumes characteristically.
So far so good eh?
I guess that means you're either no longer a believer in man made global warming or you find it to be an improvement over nature.
I'd also assume the current mass extinction rates are an improvement of nature in your opinion also.
"The background level of extinction known from the fossil record is about one species per million species per year, or between 10 and 100 species per year (counting all organisms such as insects, bacteria, and fungi, not just the large vertebrates we are most familiar with). In contrast, estimates based on the rate at which the area of tropical forests is being reduced, and their large numbers of specialized species, are that we may now be losing 27,000 species per year to extinction from those habitats alone." ~ PBS

No, no, I wont go any further. No need, your statement - Priceless.
I bet Josef Mengele is smiling in his grave about now.

"I'd love to go to Mars!"
No need Paul, you're already there. Go ahead, keep on kicking up that red dust, it's sort of cute like.
So I'm a Nazi now am I? Wow, such intellectual depth.

Which period of history would you have preferred to live in? I pick now, or any time in the future.
People soon forget how miserable the past was.
Chill with your embellishments. The depth is yours alone, where you brought it. I'm merely lowering myself to your level now.
"Why don't you start an anti-science forum, Jungle Man?"
A Self created Embellishment by you Paul.
"Which period of history would you have preferred to live in? I pick now, or any time in the future.
People soon forget how miserable the past was."
Personally Paul,
I'd prefer to allow this topic to get back on track and end the stupid personal attack crap.

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