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Mitch Roth running for County Prosecutor
I will reserve further comment until Mr. Roth addresses the particular case Opihikao and I have described. It is rather notorious and should be examined in detail.
Jerry Carr, Opihikao:
Mitch Roth was at the Pahoa Museum this PM, between about 5:45 to about 7:15 PM.
Covered a fair amount of ground and issues.
It would have been a good time to raise your concerns and questions face to face.
Try for other possible public appearances.
Mr. Roth, it has been two full working days now since you said you would get back to us regarding the case of the fire captain who is serving his rather light sentence on weekends. May we expect something soon?
I caught the last 15 minutes or so of the Pahoa Museum forum. It was really good, both on the part of Mr. Roth and to hear the intelligent discussion generated by the community members in attendance.

The issue of medical marijuana was raised and discussed during the time I was there. I don't want to paraphrase what was said, but it made sense to me. Another topic of concern was ag theft and sale of stolen crops, good information on that area.

I hope there might be such a forum in Hilo and points north.
Bump. I agree that plea bargains are an essential component of the machinery of justice and would suggest that if you throw the book at every offender, there would not be enough private prisons on Arizona to hold them. I would be honest about that fact and would advise you to ask this question in relation to plea bargains: "Am I willing to fund more prisons to pay for all of these convicts?" If not, reconsider your position. I would not have allowed a plea bargain in the case of an alleged perpetrator with a 4th DUI who hits and kills a person and drags the body under his van for blocks. Recidivists who commit gross vehicular manslaughter would be prosecuted, under my purview, to the fullest extent of the law.

That's your answer, Mitch. You lose. I oppose you.

Edited to add: There was no 4th DUI conviction in the case under discussion. My mistake. I apologize.
Originally posted by Kelena

I would not have allowed a plea bargain in the case of an alleged perpetrator with a 4th DUI who hits and kills a person and drags the body under his van for blocks. Recidivists who commit gross vehicular manslaughter would be prosecuted, under my purview, to the fullest extent of the law.
This was a horrible heinous offense, I agree, you have your facts wrong there, Kelena.

Check Mr. Roth's post. The defendant had never had a prior DUI. Not a 4th DUI, and not a recidivist. First offense. Ten years. (Personally wish he could have gotten life.).

Of course you are welcome to support or not support, but it seems what robguz stated in error is getting perpetuated after Mr. Roth made the correction.
Well, I'm still waiting for Mr. Roth to enlighten us with his opinion on the fire captain who killed while DUI, left the scene, lied about who did it, and got to serve a very light sentence on weekends. I have given Mr. Roth the benefit of the doubt and time to get his answer together, but I'm beginning to think he doesn't want to answer the question. Please prove me wrong in my suspicion that you really wish this question would go away, Mr Roth. Anyone who knows of any future public appearances for forums, please let me know well in advance, and I will ask my question in person.
So what is Mitch's position on medical marijuana? Since the Hilo police are cracking down not only on people who have medical marijuana prescriptions, but also on people who no longer have one but had on in the past year.....
I have learned from someone I trust that Mr. Roth has been ill and unable to respond. I apologize if my previous comment seemed to assume the worst.

I would also like to add that if Mr. Roth is elected, he will take an oath to uphold all the laws of the State and County of Hawaii. Those of us, myself included, who want marijuana laws reformed need to understand that important fact. The "lowest priority" vote and other measures notwithstanding, complete decriminalization through the legislative process is the only way to truly accomplish that goal.
Well, the local police are claiming that they have to enforce FEDERAL laws concerning marijuana, and ignoring the state laws. My concerns have nothing to do with the "lowest priority" stuff; I want to know why people are being hassled for COMPLYING with state law.

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