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Bill takes aim at medical pot
From Wall Street to Main Street, (like all major issues our country faces), it's an issue of honest government. Deceit and parasitic cronyism is what reformers are up against.

Hope people will speak out about this.

On a related note, Israel now approves marijuana use for chronic pain.

"In addition, a new study recommends more extensive use of marijuana to manage severe chronic pain.

Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported on a study recently conducted at the Sheba Medical Center in conjunction with the Israel Cancer Association, which involved 264 cancer patients who were treated with medical marijuana for a full year:

Some 61 percent of the respondents reported a significant improvement in their quality of life as a result of the medical marijuana, while 56 percent noted an improvement in their ability to manage pain. In general, 67 percent were in favor of the treatment, while 65 percent said they would recommend it to other patients.

The study concluded that more doctors should be prescribing cannabis...."

Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
"Deceit and parasitic cronyism" - Bingo ... look up the bills sponsors interesting read. Seems to be the same folks who are up on soapboxes against many social issues (civil unions etc - nay votes, they will come for you next.....)

Morally bankrupt, brainwashed unthinking knee jerk zealots at best - hypocrites on the take at worst..... imho

Problem I have with a lot of these folks is their need to punish, instead of solving the real social issues. 25% Of children in Hawaii food insecure and they waste their political capital and our time on this crap legislation

Follow the money indeed
bottomline is we came so close to reaching our goals only to have the so call "moral majority" shout loud and clear that they still oppose Medical Cannabis no matter what has been proved through science.
How the hell do we live in a Democratic state, and we cannot get these bills passed? Faye Hanohano was the only one who voted against radifying the medical cannabis laws.

Let us not loose sight that Kubojiri works for the state and not the Feds! WE need to let this guy know that. But is he any different that Harry Anslinger was in the old days. Why is Kubojiri fighting change? Is he worried that co-workers would get laid off if we fully imbraced the cannabis industry. I mean that is why Anslinger went after cannabis in the first place,right?


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Lets clear some things up beachboy. You mention supply and demand. They were flying every weekend and it drove growers to grow inside. Grow lights take electricity, electricity costs money, so price goes up. Sorry I did not elaborate that for you. This was even mentioned in the local media back then, tribune herald, local news and even a statement from HELCO. Go talk to some of the guys at our local greenhouse supply stores and ask them about the grow light boom that took place. So again, unlike what you think, it had everything to do with the "ghetto bird" and very well documented to be the case here.

I asked you where I tried to sell the idea of high prices. You ducked and could not admit you were way out there on your response. I asked about the retired officers. Your response? Laughable. No merit. No backup.

You mention Harborside in Cali. Weed Wars? I love how the first season ended. A bunch of stoner employees, one of which got caught stealing a pound, one employee stoned out of his mind at work and couldnt properly help quite a few clients, all shown on tv. And the season ends with Harborside closed down by the Feds. BRAVO!!! And of course they brought in revenue for the state through taxes. Thats what taxes are for. You also fail to realize the population in Cali compared to the Big Island. Huge difference. So of course with so many more people the numbers look big. Do you even know what the population here is?

The Pahoa situation that you know nothing about, go cruise by. All kids, or the usual regulars that are there everyday. How do you know that I dont know them? I see the same guys a Pohiki on a regular basis doing the same thing. This is nothing new, and you have 44 years here? Why don't you go down there and introduce yourself to these young men and get the story. I also work with a clerk who works at cash and carry part time for 7+ years and has seen it all in that particular corner I have mentioned. But what do I know according to you?

I wear nothing on my chest. Moved to Keaukaha when I was six.

You ask how I can be digusted with people I dont know? You call Kubojiri a jerk. Do you know him? I see a lot of double standards in what you post. Very clear too. Glad people like you are tying to be the voice behind the medical marijuana movement. No facts, all voice. I again challenge you to present credible facts on what you have mentioned earlier instead of ducking them and taking little boy jabs at me when you know absolutely nothing about me, kinda like how you know nothing about what you are fighting for in Hawaii. Good luck. You will obvioulsly need alot of it.
First off Island Living, anybody who grows indoors who is anybody use generators not, plug into their wall. So if it is a commercial operation, no one and I mean no one uses HELCO to grow their meds unless it's for their own personal use, and on a small time operation, and even that will cost a pretty penny.

Addressing indoor lights. Anybody who grows indoors and uses HELCO for their supply of electricity is pretty small time. Big time indoor growers use generators! So you a wanna try again?

I'll stand by my statement that the majority of retired cops support legalization of marijuana. For them the majority realize that no matter what you do, cannabis use isn't going away anytime soon. Especially these days because it's becoming extremely hard to lie to the masses about cannabis. The benefits far out weigh the minor pit falls conservatives/ moral majority like to make it out to be.

Actually, I 'm ashamed of the way our local politicans have been acting. All of them are spineless cowards. Since when is it good for us to listen to law enforcement tell us about cannabis use? Who put money in Calvin Say's pocket to present this bill that will make doctor's feel like criminals for helping the ill! How sick is that?

The state know we are hurting for revenue. Yet these local Asian politican folded like a cheap chair when threatened last year by the Attorney General's office. Yet knowing that the state is hurting for revenue, they purpose to legalize gaming!? When regulating and taxing cannabis at the state level would bring in so much more money!

Now I know you're sniffing glue! Harborside is not closed, and has not been closed by state or feds! Why would they want to close them? Harborside owes two million in back taxes for last year alone! California & Colorado are both making fist over dollar from the cannabis industry, so why shouldn't Hawaii?
Are you aware that there are 8 state out there that will try to legalize cannabis this year! We are talking full on legalization,..why because real science is proving that cannabis has far greater benefits health wise that the people ever imagined.
Why are you so opposed to it?


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
but, but, but, what are we going to do with the prison industry if cannabis is decriminalized --- The arizona private prison industry (for one) will be decimated.........
I think to protest this, I propose to get a bunch of MJ card holders together and go down to I presume Hilo, the hawaii five-oh office and have a smoke out. Just to test the waters. Smile
I personally wouldn't protest at the police department. Every police officer knows that meth is the scourge, and not marijuana. Meth is the one of the most addictive substances ever to come out of a lab. Hard to kick.

These lawmakers aren't tweaking the medical marijuana law -- they are gutting it. If you hold the threat of criminal prosecution over every doctor who writes a prescription, you have effectively killed the medical marijuana law. If you don't like the law, get it repealed, but at least be honest about your intentions.
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

but, but, but, what are we going to do with the prison industry if cannabis is decriminalized --- The arizona private prison industry (for one) will be decimated.........

That is one of the main Follow the Money destinations.. With the prison industry being outsourced...Their lobbyist want to keep as many people as they can in prison... Speaking of which we lead the world by a large margin of incarcerated citizens per capita.. But they hate us for our Freedoms...ha ha
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "

good read - from sometimes a slow loading site

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