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For nonresident vacation rental owners
No David, getting screwed by an off island landlord is what makes it emotional for me. This law would have prevented us from being ripped off.

You are the only person here who made comments related to people's political party membership, and if you look at VRBO for the other side you will find plenty of expensive resort condos. But to twist my words to imply I was talking about $500 rentals on the East side is just plain dishonest. You have always posted like a reasonable person on here before, I guess people just react a little less reasonably when something might impact their wallet, no matter who else it might protect.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Excellent points KCat

Unfortunately, there is a segment that feel this is how all VRs should work and how they will work if this law is passed. No offense to any RE professional, but 99% aren't cooing to provide service beyond what is mandated by the state or their contrac. Why not? No legal ramifications. Where the owner is interested in a satisfied owner and repeat business, such is rarely the case with a commissioned manager.

As you point out, legitimate owners already have a local representative. If they do, they are breaking that law. So enforce the Lawson the books as they will take care of just about most of the arguments being made. If a bad person is gonna screw ya, foesn'tmake much difference if it is being done legally or not if the result is the same.


Ninole Resident
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Ninole Resident
Originally posted by jackson
As I said, you probably do it right, but what about those that don't? This IS the role of government. Those who want to take away all government regulation risk anarchy.

I do not believe I am in the minority but there must be some statistics on this subject. I wonder if HVB has them?

I also get what you are saying although I do not agree that it will solve the issues. In this case, it is not taking away all government because the $500 for the class is just the beginning - I was just told add cost to belong to HBR, too. All just for one property. I guess if the owner wants to reimburse it, no problem - but then she will have to raise rates too to cover this additional cost.

What I suggest and we have it on our rental email packet as a suggestion is get trip insurance - covers a multitude of issues. On just the 1st website I checked, the packages over $199 covered financial default too, if the ins is purchased within 15 days of booking your trip (it covers all sorts of things not just financial defaults). To check pricing for the insurance I based it on a $3500 & $5000 trip for 5 people for 9 nights (air/accommodations).

Originally posted by KathyH

I follow the Tripadvisor forums for all the Hawaiian islands, where people come and post when they do have problems. The foreclosure issue has been very real....

I would just quantify the statement by saying the old customer service adage of "a happy customer tells 3 people, a unhappy customer tells 10 people"... and this was before the days of Trip advisor, et al, so it should be amended to say "a unhappy customer posts it on the net, a happy customer posts pictures of their trip on Face Book". [Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

The foreclosure issue is very real for short term or long term renters. As for getting money back on a dispute, a RE company has more money to fight and win than many individuals. A RE co will follow the letter of the law, and a individual whose business it is will want you to be happy. I know. As I mentioned previously, I have put up with all sorts of crap to make people happy.

*** One person wanted to know why I did not tell her it rained in Mid-November? I said my spiel includes "November is the rainiest month of the year on average" and say it to ESPECIALLY the people making reservations in November. She called her CC company and disputed the charges for the rental, 90 days later the owner got the $$$$'s back. the RE Co wont even tell people - they will just want the bookings because the booking agent wont be dealing directly with the guest when they arrive and it is raining.

I completely want this dialogue to stay open but there truly is two very valid sides to this coin.

One idea is for VR's to check out the BBB listings. Just like you might anything else. Actually read the VRBO reviews - the owner can not delete them, only respond to them.
Trip insurance is indeed a must, IMO ...

I would love a recommendation for an insurer that covers the default of private rentals. The ones I have used only insure default of "covered suppliers" which includes major hotel chains. I have not seen one that is willing to cover the risk of any independent supplier in the world no matter how flaky it might be.

I generally rent from independent small properties that are not covered, is why I ask if you know of one.

Trip insurance WILL cover if you as renter have something happen that makes you cancel or interrupt the trip, and that is for any money you have paid out, but that is different from covering you for a private rental that goes into foreclosure or skips with your money.

I wonder if salesperson doesn't refer to a salesperson who is working under a broker's supervision rather than anyone with an active sales license. I don't know ... usually there are definitions of the terms.

RIP Marc Hansen, another fine musician gone (Hansen & Raitt)
Originally posted by jackson

David, Can you show me a link where this law will relate to FSBO? I don't thin so because you can't. As a homeowner of a former rental I can tell you that if the person managing my house had been licensed, I would have had recourse other than the courts which is an avenue I prefer not to go down. It should be obvous rather than confusing.

Please read with understanding. I said FSBO would be a next step, a future step.

Sounds like had a bad manager, as I said, nothing in this bill addresses that. If a lined managerwants to screw ya, he'll just find a legal way to do so. If he doesn't then likely he doesn't care and doesn't worry about your legal recourse either. No matter, you're still screwed.

Ninole Resident
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Ninole Resident
The tendency to talk more about bad experiences than good doesn't account for a dramatic rise in the overall concerns.

Actually, when it comes to regular posters on the Hawaii forums (not reviews), they are there to post happy sharing, so that does not hold for the regulars. A number of the regulars are people in tune with what is going on, frequent renters, people who have their finger on the pulse ... I am talking about the forums now, not the reviews, which is where the disgruntled people mostly go to vent.

I hear more concerns from the Kaua'i and Maui forums. I have yet to hear of a major problem from East Hawai'i. There was one we caught in West Hawai'i before it happened where the property was on the official in foreclosure list with a sale date and was still accepting deposits. That was in Kohala by the Sea or Kohala Estates. But people are expressing more and more doubts about using VRBO, even though VRBO now offers insurance, which is a reassurance. People are nervous.
On Tripadvisor, people are regularly advised not to bother with BBB, as it is toothless. I know John Rabi always directs people to the DCCA, as I do as well.
We just got back from Hawaii. Rented a lovely VRBO and the owner had us purchase an insurance policy. It was $39.00 Honestly, I did not read the fine print since I only bought it to make them happy. I assume this is a service that VRBO provides to owners who have accounts with them.

We loved the cool weather in the Mountain View area. We also really enjoyed the Lemongrass restaurant. I would attach the document for you all to see, but I can't figure out how to do it.

I guess you can ask VRBO, if you have questions.
Originally posted by KathyH... more doubts about using VRBO, even though VRBO now offers insurance, which is a reassurance. People are nervous.

So for $39 as I see it on the VRBO site - you get the "Carefree Rental Guarantee from HomeAway" which covers what we have discussed for 3 pages. So my suggestion is to pay the $39 insurance premium and rent from a property listed on the following sites:,,,,,,,,, or (collectively, “HomeAway” or the “HomeAway Sites”)

Here is their details:

Sorry I meant DCCA. I never use BBB anymore but thanks for correcting that! [Big Grin]

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