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Occupy Pahoa
Let all your Puna friends know we are holding a weekly Occupy Pahoa, Thursdays, 3 to 4:30pm at the Malama entrance. We have several signs. You are welcome to use one or bring one of your own that expresses why you stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. Let's do this Puna Style. Bring bubbles, balloons, whatevah! 965-7028 for information.
Wear life like a loose garmet.
You know, I thought people moved here to get away from this garbage. This is Puna, right? How many Big Business, Wall Streeet Tycoon types really live here? Maybe Kona side would be best suited for this, but then they are the retired Wallstreeters trying to get away from that garbage too. Don't get me wrong, I think they need some time to think about what they have done to American's life savings and 401Ks in a local, general populated county jail, not some kush federal penn where they have the luxury of golf and furlohs. The whole thing about moving to the islands is to not bring all your baggage with leave that crap on the mainland. That movement has transformed from one of peaceful demonstration to a breeding ground of robbers, rapists, and the opportunists of criminal mischeif from the very beginning. Why would you even want to associate yourself with these people? I have seen it first hand. If you want to see some meaningfull change in your local government, police, or community, or just have a message to share, be ORIGINAL. Create your own movement. More than half the people in this movement don't even know what it was about or how it got started and why it pertains to them. So do something that will benefit the Puna area instead of "standing" in solidarity with the rest of the occutards.
"Occupy Pahoa" sounds pretty local to me.

When you consider that 80,000 lots in Puna were essestinally subdivided around 1959 to function as a tax mine where taxes are extracted and services not delivered there is plenty for people to get informed about.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

"Occupy Pahoa" sounds pretty local to me.

When you consider that 80,000 lots in Puna were essestinally subdivided around 1959 to function as a tax mine where taxes are extracted and services not delivered there is plenty for people to get informed about.

I guess the "occupy" movement has a different meaning on the BI? Somehow I don't think Joe the plumber feels like that when he has to step over piles of feces and dodge a junki's needles in order to make his way to the doors of city hall to pay his gas bill. But blowing bubbles and ballons is a heck of a lot better than crapping on the sidewalk, I agree.....but what jahnava is saying is to show your solidarity with these folks. Can you tell me what the corporate influence was/is on the local and or state government here? Contributions of corruption from the financial sector to influence government here? Just sounds like greedy government polititions pocketing tax revenues all the way down the food chain. And on that point Rob you are spot on. But for the average Joe who has worked and sweat their butt off as a steel worker for 25 years as a single parent, scrimping and saving to give your kid a better education, opportunity...I worked for everything I got. These people you see at these ralleys that are the 99% I would say 90% kids, druggies, lazies, and the unfortunate sitting there with there hand held out, and what's even worse is that these 99% are the reason the biggest tard is in office. And lets not go through life with blinders on...this tard is suposedly from here and gave the same corporations that got us into this financial mess BILLIONS of YOUR TAX revenue. These people gave up not too long ago the mentallity that if you work hard all your life and keep perserveering, you WILL succeed. I didn't give up no matter how bad things got. As far as being pissed at the local and state government for taking these revenues and squandering them..hell ya, I'm pissed too. But don't get the two mixed up. Solidarity??
I think you are projecting a lot on people you don't know and have a diverse set of goals. This topic is Occupy Pahoa. Keep it Pahoa/Puna and there is potential for discussion and perhaps all sides can learn something. As far as "corporate" effects here... take a look at Big Sugar and the legacy they left us. Read "Land & Power in Hawaii" too.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Ok, balloons and bubbles for everyone [Big Grin] !
"occutards" no rush on the east side either - yup we really did leave the garbage behind, welcome to Puna

Originally posted by Bullwinkle

"occutards" no rush on the east side either - yup we really did leave the garbage behind, welcome to Puna

Thanks to all of you who are showing up to Occupy Pahoa. We will continue to increase our numbers & spread the word of the larger Occupy movement by handing out free bumper stickers...WE ARE THE 99%. We feel appreciated by those of you who shaka, wave, peace sign & offer your support. We all do what we are able. Just Tom cycled by last week & we were able to "Shop Local" buying some of his excellent eggs. See you tomorrow, Thursday, Malama entrance from 3:00-4:30PM. Aloha.
Wear life like a loose garmet.
Occupy is not the Saving Grace for our Society...But it does show unity that the vast majority of the citizens are totally fed up with Corporate Corruption and a Government that is in their pockets.. Put a sign in your yard if you support the 99%, put a bumper sticker on your vehicle, by supporting occupy your not supporting the few who may be causing a little havoc.. I fully support Occupy Puna, and will try to be there to show it.. I believe this movement will grow swiftly with the arrival of spring. Of course there are not going to be any protests sprouting up at the Golf Course or the Country Club.. But the future of this country can go with the 99% or the 1% and we are already way down the road of the 1%, this may be the last chance for the people to unite for ours and our children's futures... Balloons and bubbles would be fine with me..

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "

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