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My Pool is 93 Degrees. It is unheated.
Today I walked out into the patio and I could see that the pool was steaming. I have never seen it do that before. I checked the thermometer and it was 93 degrees. Stuck my hand in. Yep. Warm. Way too warm. Usually much cooler in winter.

A few weeks ago some of my neighbors told me that my patio area, where the pool is, was built over a supposedly inactive steam vent, against the advice of the contractor and everyone else. My pool sits directly on that vent.

I am smelling a very strong smell of sulfur, as if George Bush had just left the podium at the United Nations. It is overwhelming really. I wasn't able to reach HVO to ask any questions.

Is there something going on I don't know about? I guess I am glad that my pool is warm, but the whole backyard smells like rotten eggs. My neighbors say they don't notice anything, perhaps because of the tradewinds.

Should I call someone? Consider myself blessed? Advice?
April Fool! Now do you really want to joke about Pele, Kelena?
Kelena, You are in a pickle there guy. Reccommended that you should consult about Pele's plans for your pool, because she could bring a river of fire through that steam vent, making it a lava tube once more. ;-)) Now George Bush would look like a small thing to you in comparison. Now that the white bunny is gone, it is a sign. Beware. You have been blessed. Look around. Did you see that?


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
It is probably just a bunny stuck in the vent, you just need to pour some liquid hare remover around the pool....
Jerry, you sir, have no appreciation for my difficulties, and, as much as I hate to say it, remind me in some ways of that cad and trickster, Rhett Butler. A gentleman would have rushed immediately to my aid, diagnosed the problem with the pool, provided me with both a manicure and a pedicure and then would have ravished me after carrying me up the stairs, having built stairs for me with that singular purpose in mind. Where are all the gentlemenz? As for Pele, I happen to know she appreciates a sense of humor and that if she doesn't think I am as charming as I think I am she will have to go through you first to get to me.

Lucy, thank you. Yes, I do feel very blessed. And although the white bunny is gone I am constantly reminded of him/her/it when I look at the white clouds of steam billowing out of my backyard. I do feel a river of fire within. But I always do this time of year.
Carey -- FINALLY! Someone with a practical solution. Themk you! (Dabs eye with handkerchief). So, you think I have too much hare in all the wrong places? I guess I could shave my hare, but --call me old fashioned-- I just don't think that looks right. This younger generation -- couldn't they distinguish themselves in a less repulsive way?
Rhett Butler . . . ?!?!? Sir, you do flatter me ever so much that my eyes are fluttering. Seriously. He was a guy who managed to make some money blockade running in what was a very down economy. He and his friend Belle Watling generously donated to war relief. He got Scarlet, Mellie, Prissy, and the baby to relative safety before doing the honorable thing and joining the Confederate Army for their last stand. And last, but not least, he was a doting father who had the sense to walk out on the inconstant and avaricious schemer Scarlet. Now don't get me wrong. I admire Scarlett for being the survivor that she was, but she wasn't exactly a model wife. She was always first and foremost about her own material agenda. Actually, Scarlett O'Hara is the perfect metaphor for the City of Atlanta where I lived for 20 years.

As for Madame Pele, well, I guess she does have a sense of humor, or we wouldn't all be here living out our sometimes theatrical lives and building our sets when we know she's going to get it all sooner or later. Yes friends, it's all a big play, and at the end Madame gets to burn Atlanta . . . or HPP or whatever part of Puna you want to mention.

I met a fool
Who laid him down and bask'd him in the sun,
And rail'd on Goddess Pele in good terms,
In good set terms and yet a Punatic fool.

And then he drew a dial from his pool,
And, looking on it with lack-lustre eye,
Says very wisely, 'It is 93 degrees:
Thus we may see,' quoth he, 'how the bunny's tail wags:

'Tis but an hour ago since it was 91,
And after one hour more 'twill be 99;
And so, from hour to hour, we simmer and stew,
And then, from hour to hour, we steam and boil;
And thereby hangs a tail.'

in his brain,
Which is as dry as the remainder biscuit
After a voyage, he hath strange places cramm'd
With observation, the which he vents
In mangled forms. To wit ..

This wide and universal theatre
Presents more woeful pageants than the scene
Wherein we play.
Be of good cheer, for this 1st of April marks
the memory of a cruel tsunami
and none comes our way at present time.

Rejoice then, Kelena ...
bask in your new-made spa and thank Pele
for this gratuitous facial.
Pores wide open
Embrace the sulphurous fragrance
and prepare now for your Fate
for it shall imminently find you,
whether you flee or with calm resignation wait.

Oh, that is beautiful, KathyH. Thank you. What an horrific poem and a dismal prediction --all expressed in epic verse! A true tour-de-force! Speaking of force, I printed your lovely poem out, crumpled it up and stuffed in the small crack below my pool. At first I thought the steam would just dissolve it. But no! Your poem is so epic that it appears to have stopped the steam vent and the pool is rapidly returning to normal, meaning (on a day like today) like an Icelandic fjord.

Jerry -- I see you are in the "Pro-Rhett" camp and think that Scarlett is a scheming self-possessed opportunist. Perhaps we should ask Mr. Kennedy about that. But anyway, the point is....I can't think about that today. I'll go crazy if I do! I'll think about it tomorrow.
[Big Grin] ha ha, Kelena, you are indeed resourceful and have good instincts on the best way to deal with poetry/ prophecies ...

Sorry about the dismal tone at the end.
There I was letting the ghost of your bunny do "as it liked" with Willie the Shake's legacy, light in heart, and suddenly I was seized by the spirit of the ancient Greek Oracle. You know those Greek Oracles are a lot of Gloomy Guses.

I wouldn't worry about it none though, those Oracles are tricksters. [:p]

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