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Council comes to Pahoa re: Geothermal -Tues. 6pm
There is a public meeting Tuesday (tomorrow night) at 6 pm at the Pahoa High School Cafeteria

The subject is Geothermal Expansion Issues.

The majority of the Hawaii County Council will be there. Council Chairman Dominic Yagong set up this meeting
to hear fully from the Puna community.

There will be 1 hour of community presentations followed
by public discussion.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
After reading today's Trib,I guess I will stay home.

From the Trib :

"The bulk of the meeting will be given to the Pele Defense Fund.

The group, which opposes geothermal energy on spiritual and environmental grounds, will be given up to an hour to speak. Afterward, anyone wishing to speak will be given three minutes to address the council.

Yagong said the council has already heard presentations from geothermal supporters, and the group is being given its own time to speak to balance the discussion."

I will instead call my council representative to voice my support for geothermal.
Obie, totally understand your position, and hope you submit support in writing, as the next council person may not be the same, and also for record purposes.

Hopefully the PDF will be able to keep a civil tongue in their mouths, and not try to intimidate the public in general, as has been their modus operandi since their inception years ago.

This Hawaiian stands firmly in favor of geothermal, since the late 1950's, and will continue to affirm the religious beliefs, and position of the PDF does NOT reflect our family's teachings(over the course of 8, maybe 9 generations here on Hawai'i island).

Additionally, as a Hawaiian from the Pele lineage, it is my position that Tutu Pele always takes care of her people, and needs no one to speak for her. Tutu Pele takes care of herself; always has and always will.

Just my opinion.
I'm wondering why any geothermal isn't viewed as Pele's gift to Hawaii--we don't need any stinking oil.

Having worked at Puna Geothermal and oil refineries on the mainland geothermal seems much less hazardous. Any and all forms of power production have hazards. To those opposed to geothermal, what do you propose? More oil? "Clean" coal? Turn off all the lights at dusk?

Art and Orchids B&B
Here is a link to a photo of a real coal burning power plant that was built in my hometown in Ohio.It was as close to houses as PGV is.

To give you an idea of the scale,the twin stacks you see are 896 feet tall and the large stack is over 1000 feet.

The picture was taken from over 3 miles away on the opposite side of the Ohio River.

I will take PGV and Geothermal any day.
jerry: To many, many, many Hawaiians, it is exactly that: A GIFT.

The cultural concerns have been dealt with. We need to move forward, and allow our children and grandchildren some hope of a better future.

If only we could break the HECO/HELCO monopoly, and perhaps move towards a public owned utility or something that would stop the distributor (HELCO) from also controlling the purchase of energy (either geothermal, solar, etc.).


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