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I was thinking maybe it would be nice to have a forum just for hawaiian acres news and views. i don't know if that would be acceptable to puna web, but i can't see why not and we obviously need one. that way we could share a variety of topics and information all in one place. we could still grumble about the roads, because thats a bit like the English grumbling about their weather, but maybe keep it a bit more general? certainly we need to be able to warn each other about certain potholes that appear or worsen, or indeed are repaired. security also comes to mind, and even a limited kind of in house advertising. there are a lot of skills out there and small businesses struggling to survive. what do you all think? i will start by asking the question:
What's your favorite thing about the acres?
Mine would indeed be the weather. Just a little warmer than further up the hill, a little cooler than the coast line, enough rain to keep the tanks filled and the plants watered and even when God turns the faucet full on, the rain is warm and spectacular. we can have rain in the front of our house and sun in the back and the resulting rainbow arched over our homes. too cool.
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The HOA does have a website, though you may be requesting a forum separate from the Hawaiian Acres site, if not, here is their link:
There link also has a hotlink to their facebook...
I am sure if you would like a separate forum just for HA, and not associated with the HOA, that you could create one... wether outside of the Punaweb site or within... as long as Rob OK s the within part, of course!
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its actually quite difficult to post to their web site. too many people banned. too much politics etc, so it might be nice to have something more open and apolitical?
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heres a post for information. there is a group of people that are attempting to take over HACA . not sure what their agenda is or the motivation. perhaps it will all become clearer at the special meeting July 20th . printed form says purpose "to approve the removal of one or more HACA board members" . thats news.
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Go to Facebook and start a group.
It is very easy to do !!
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Not everyone has a Facebook or wants to have a Facebook. Besides Facebook is not a good place to talk about anything. It's NSA h.q.
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Join the HA info listserv and discuss by email!msg/hawaiian-acres-info/f3d3JUhLmu8/hA_h6A7MIBkJ
><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
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I know this topic isn't about the NSA or the Prism program but one day all you folks on Facebook will look back one day and realize how naive you are being by putting all your information all in one place which is right in the hands of those who wish to exploit you and keep you numb and agreeable. No you shouldn't worry that they will come busting down your door but they will use such information to heard humans like cows. If you ignore anything I have said or disagree, so be it, I am fine with that, but please recognize Facebook is exclusive of those who aren't willing to drink the kool-aid. There are allot of us out there who prefer coconut water.
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What good is a list that everyone is on? What can they do with that? If they want to know why I don't do Facebook they can read it right here.
And yes this forum is being permanently logged in some giant server somewhere but nobody is going to actually nit pick through all that data. I don't believe for a second that they have any intentions like that because if they did all these mass shootings that have been going on would not be happening because all the shooters blew their cover on some forum or in some video somewhere and yet they still got away with it. No they are just interested in keeping the masses dull and complacent ready to be exploited. Facebook, Twitter, all that stuff is a lemming trap. I just know many people choose not to participate in that whole virtual reality woo woo. So Facebook is not a way to make an inclusive group.
Hey ever notice if you write Facebook with out caps spellcheck will automatically capitalize it but if you write hawai'i it won't even recognize the word? You just get a nice red underline. What's really respected in this society?
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Originally posted by justthefacts
there is a special meeting July 20th . printed form says purpose "to approve the removal of one or more HACA board members". thats news.
yes it is, and that's the sort of thing i mean so thank you.
Facebook does indeed have its limitations. One of them being that there is already a face book page that cannot be 'joined' so all posts are sidelined into a section called 'what other people say'. The same applies to the web page. that is where we should really be having these discussions, but for some reason it is not allowed. IF i had the time and the knowledge, and i have neither, i might try to create an alternative, but i can't. if there's anybody out there in the acres who i could collaborate with though, i would certainly give it a shot.