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Growing Bananas
Thanks for the help.
fishinchamp1, LOVE the youtube video "how to divide banana plants"

allensylves, OK, no fertilizer.

rbrgs, Do you mean I shouldn't plant them right away? Let them sit and dry out? Won't that kill them?
Will use real soil, not cinder soil this time.
he book you provided the link to sounds incredible, but $80 for a banana book is more than I want to spend for one banana plant. I just want to have two plantings of the same variegated leaf banana plant. I don't plan to have any other bananas.

Should I use root tone?
should I plant directly in ground, or pot?
how tall should the keiki be when I harvest it?

(The youtube video showed the keiki to be 5 feet tall when he harvested and he planted it directly in ground)
I agree with rbgs - let the cut surface dry for a day or more. I have left them in a shady spot and in a loose plastic bag (used to transport from a friend) for up to +/- 2 weeks and had no problem. Cinder SOIL should be OK, just not straight cinder. No need for Rootone. In pot or in ground should not matter. My memory is that 'sword-leaf' stage is best, not wide 'normal' leaves. The ones I was given were about 3 - 5 feet tall stems - not including leaves.

Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
The new leaves come out the center, so if the keiki is 5 feet tall, the new leaves have to grow that far before they pop out. Better to cut the plant off 6 inches above the ground, or move smaller keiki.

Why are you planting them in a pot? Variegated bananas will grow over 20' tall and be 15-18 inches in diameter at the base (plus all the suckers) by the time they fruit. Just put them in their permanent location to begin with.

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