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Our Mayor's race just got a little more interesting. In light of the geothermal concerns and discussion, among other issues that continue to plague our island (infrastructure in Puna, Highway 130 still the deadliest in the State, Building code issues, etc.), we need leadership that will work with the Council, and more important, with our communities.
Will Harry Kim provide that leadership? Thoughts?
(*Note to self: It's election time. Make sure those promises each candidate makes is noted, and hold them to their word. Honor and integrity counts.)
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Harry Kim, like Billy Kenoi, is pretty strong on maintaining the status quo. Keep everything as close to yesterday as possible. Basically nothing of substance improved in Puna under Harry Kim. Hilo still looks at Puna as a tax mine.... extract tax money... deliver the least possible services.
Bruce McClure was Harry's Director of Public Works. I struggled for two years to get the simplest of improvements made in Pahoa - something that cost zero dollars and only required McClure to write a letter - shouldn't take that long.
So I see Harry Kim and Billy Kenoi as two peas from the same union centric pod.
Harry did get us a new water faucet on the highway....
Leadership implies that there is a direction to take. Neither Kenoi or Kim have any direction except keep things unchanged as much as possible. Weatherford is of this mold regrading PMAR too.
Assume the best and ask questions.
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When the lava had changed course and was heading for 130 Harry's plan was to permanently evacuate everything passed the blockage. which would have included all of Pahoa from the flow predictions at the time
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My own experience with Harry Kim was not very positive. When I asked him how he planned to extend parity of services and infrastructure to the substandard subdivisions of Puna, he replied, "I'm not going to patronize you with the excuses of the last 40 years." He then proceeded to quote all the excuses of the previous 40 years and said that basically nothing could be done. So much for not being patronized.
And then there's the history of his previous administration. The county payroll grew and grew as though the real estate bubble were going to last forever when there was history of boom and bust cycles that was well known even to malahini like me. As Rob notes, he did nothing to curtail the power of the public employees unions.
Harry's sudden re-entry into politics strikes me as odd, and I suspect there is more to it than just the geothermal thing. There are ways to force environmental reviews of drilling sites that don't involve running for mayor. In fact, there are probably much more effective ways to do that than being mayor. Perhaps at some point we will learn more about why Harry doesn't think his former aide, Billy Kenoi, should be re-elected. This is going to be very interesting.
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Mr. Carr, indeed this will be interesting. Agree with your assessment that this is more than just geothermal.
In my opinion, all three main candidates are not of enough substance individually to make a difference. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, and only hope the one elected will have one heck of a good team in place. (Holding my
The biggest weakness for all three is indeed the ego. Kind of disappointed in all of them for various reasons. Kim entering the race dilutes votes and may just hand Kenoi the seat due to his big backers ($$$).
Politics at it's best (or worst, as the case may just be). Can't wait for elections to be over, so some real business can get done in this struggling economy.
Does anyone know when Yagong needs to resign from his Council Chair position?
Mahalo Mr. Tucker for your comments. Unfortunately, leadership may just take second chair to personal agendas in this race. Sure hope I'm proven wrong. Thank you for having us here to discuss the issues as they arise.
(*Disclaimer - Known all three main candidates for many, many years, and will try to keep an open mind as the rhetoric begins. Sigh...)
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I remember how Harry Kim screwed over Keiko Bonk years ago as she was poised, potentially, to become the first elected Green Party mayor. Keiko had sought and gotten assurances from Harry Kim that he was not running before she committed herself. At the very last minute Harry changed his mind and ran. Cost Keiko about $30 grand personally. Keiko was promoting stuff like diversified agriculture and sustainability.
It was felt at the time that the unions were scared silly that a liberal progressive might win and they talked Harry into running a no budget campaign with promises of full union support.
Once again there is a candidate the unions are not sure of - Dominic Yagong - and they may again be amping up their chances of keeping a progressive, unbought honest candidate from the mayor's office.
Assume the best and ask questions.
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I hope we get an end to cronyism and corruption.
We have too much to do and no money to waste on the old ways.
Jobs and wages are a separate issue from inflated contracts, bad design and execution of projects and a bid system that is a joke.
I and people I know will support candidates who recognize these issues and facts.
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punaticbychoice: From your lips to Akua's ears!
Mr. Tucker: OMG...I remember that whole deal with Keiko Bonk. She may have been ahead of her time. Green Party
and a woman??? Poor thing (at the time) really didn't get a fair shake.
FYI - (For reference) Good link showing all the final candidates running for office:
(*Note: Mr. Tucker, if you'd like to move this link to a proper place, please do. Mahalo.)
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I visited Costa Rica once. The country enjoys a lively democracy with 90% voting. They tend to not elect incumbents. Goodbye Billy. Back to sleep, Harry.
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There are two things I would love to see happen:
Keiko Bonk as mayor. That was a pretty dirty trick done to her. What is Keiko up to now?
Ann Richards for President. Well she's dead so ... but if she wasnt....