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A pair of Nene
whoops kelena!!! my mistaken assumption! apologies! not sure why I thought that tho, having to re-assess my thoughts ;D
It was at the trail head picnic shelter at the end of that road, one of my favorite places on the whole island. The hillside just past there is where we sat almost 8 years ago and decided that this was not just an extended vacation, that we really were going to stay, that this is now home.

I wonder if the goose was the same one? Gaia kept retreating, saying "Please go away, I can't feed you, you're taking advantage of being endangered!" it was soooo funny. She still refers to the day she was mugged by an endangered bird.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Carol, it may have been the same pushy nene. The end of that road is one of our favorite places, too. Sometimes it's nice to hike into some of the kipukas on the side trails along the way. There are some amazing spots out there.
No problem, coopercoin40. Happens all the time. When I walk down the street people go "What sex is that anyway?" I even scare the nene. They are genetically programmed to know that I'm a bad mama jammah.
Originally posted by Kelena

I'm a guy and you can't even dress me in drag. The result would be an offense to humanity.

LOL. This reminds me of the time we dressed my hubby up as a Budweiser "girl" for Halloween. A must have been almost blind tutu at the EHCC asked him where he got his lovely clutch....

okay back to thread, my hubby used to see the nene off of Makuu on the last road / cliff side often. They came onto the jobsite and were not scared of the sound of power tools and always came at lunch time... The guys said it was not safe to set one's sandwich at nene level and leave it while one got a cold drink... nene grabbed sandwich...
lol kelena Big Grin told ya, I like the way you think Wink

@ Carol - "you're taking advantage of being endangered" funny/cute

I miss Hawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hee hee! Funny Kelena![Big Grin][Big Grin]

You are handsome AND funny! You would not make an attractive female.[xx(]

Love & Light,


"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
My nenes were back last night and today. Funny thing is as soon as we leave so do they. As long as we stay here at the house so do they moving in and out of the sun talking to us and taking an occasional swim in the pool. They really seem to enjoy the interaction with us humans, when we are not here they also see no reason to be. Appears from my point of view, anyway, they are more looking for human interaction than anything else. Interesting!
that is so cool LaurelJ! they must have missed you being gone from Hawaii so long Smile
Sooo cool, I love it! They are back again this morning, poolside just chillin'. Flew in with announcement at about 8 am. Now just preening and on and off napping by the pool at one point a squall came through this morning and they actually moved out into it for a shower. They spoke to each and every family member that came outside this morning!

I am surely going to miss them when I have to return to the mainland this Saturday! [V]

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