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How to build a 12x20 Cabin on a Budget
Seen this on Step by step instructions, blueprints, pictures, material list.

Just a normal guy trying to make it in life .Good paying job but mindless sometimes .I enjoy making things in my garage to keep my mind going .. Its fun making something new but its more fun taking something and making something different..
Thanks Coolbeansbaby Smile(
It looks like it would make a good storage shed too.
Good example of "pole" construction. Provided you are careful with the spans, you can "hang" one or more floors anywhere on the poles, and if you're only supporting a tin roof you can get away with fairly small rafters. .. just don't let County catch you.
To Kalakoa: Uh catch you doing what? As long as you had a building permit it looks like it could pass code here with a few modifications like strapping and blocking and some simpson ties.

Other than that, I'm wondering what type of ridge beam is using for that 20' span?
Looks like a big pile of termite food to me. Otherwise, nice.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
They are selling all kind portable buildings on Craigslist.
I noticed that the roofed building is not the same building as the start up.... & the porch on the roofed model is integral to the framed building, not added after the initial "box" frame.... so if using these photos, you may need to start a little different to end up with the porch-ed model..or take off the top frame sides & cut down & re-put it up with the addition (which MAY be what the photos show...)
There is a built structure that just needs to be moved. You have to provide the labor and a suitable flatbed truck with winch or other device to get it. Contact me off forum for details.

John Maloney
Hawaii Architect AR8082
John Maloney
Hawaii Architect AR8082

If you want to build a cabinet on a small budget then just consult with a good professional who must have knowledge about all your queries or if you still having some queries then you can contact with me personally..
Sheet Metal Roofing
Thank you for all your comments .My name is Jim and i built the cabin you are speaking of . I have also built a modern outhouse , modern deck kitchen and how to finish the inside of a cabin here are the links if you are interested.




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