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PLDC, PEIS Testimony:9/13 (Kona), 9/14 (Hilo)
Electicity is the movement of electrons from one molecule to another.
So we can do a couple things (one or the other or even both together!):
Outlaw electrons or outlaw the movement of electrons.

Problem is absolute zero is a bit cold.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
As far as I know there is nothing unique about the technology of smart meters. So your neighbor's meter is irradiating you? So are each of your families cell phones, your clock radio, TV, microwave, car engine, etc.

It may be that EM radiation is harmful. Well, we know it is. Too many x-rays is indeed harmful as is too much sun exposure. The issue is relative harm. Another example, a lifetime of drinking chlorinated water might give you kidney cancer at 60, while a lifetime of drinking un-chlorinated water might kill you as an infant.
I'm thinking of starting a new business selling tin foil hats. Not aluminum foil, got to be tin. We must keep them out of our heads.

Seriously though, there is a lot of things in our diet and environment that could be causing health problems, but having a basic knowledge of science is helpful to make sound judgments. I worry that so many graduate high school with very little science and reason ability.

There is a need to keep an open mind and I know that liskir means well but I need evidence and studies and websites that take an objective point of view. Their are too many one sided arguments with nothing to back them up in your post.
Tinfoil is only useful against the low-frequency tracking radar used by the black helicopters. For full protection you need a laminate that includes a layer of copper, or you can machine the entire hat from a block of titanium.
I would suggest titanium sheet stock rather than a solid block.
I think titanium is going for about $50/lb at the current time.
More titanium caps could be made sheet stock.
Titanium behaves like stainless steel when machined or formed.
Think there is a good market here?[Wink][Smile]
You can just order a titanium mesh helmet:
Protective Titanium Helmets

I plan on getting one to wear at all times while in Puna. It looks like good insurance considering the toxic death rays penetrating my skull right now.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
@ PahoaTed - Hah! Very nice, a most excellent end of day Friday read... Thanks for that.

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
A possible simple solution- Thanks.[Smile]
As I've stated before, I have it on good authority that if you bury a galvanized trash can lid in your yard (upside down) it will protect your whole property. That way you don't have to wear your hat while at home. Something to do with scrambling and reflecting the waves back to the sender.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
FYI: (*Snipped - more at link)

POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Sep 17, 2012

Gov. Neil Abercrombie has launched an enthusiastic defense of the troubled Public Land Development Corp., describing it as a potential catalyst for partnerships with the private sector on modern schools, workforce housing, long-term care and early childhood education.

The governor said the corporation, which has a broad exemption from land use and county zoning laws and construction standards, could have the flexibility to cut through government bureaucracy and help the state deliver on long-delayed promises.

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