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Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling
Related. Caution is the best policy.

"Pest Infestation-Reducing Bats Dying from Pesticide Exposure"

"Researchers from the University of Tennessee tracked populations, eating habits and migration patterns of Brazilian bats (Tadarida brasiliensis), and compared them to the patterns of corn earworm moths (Helicoverpa zea) through multiple seasons.

They determined that the bats tracked and migrated with the moth infestations, and fed off of the moths where they gathered – among corn crops. The bats were found to migrate to moth infestations, dramatically reducing their populations...

Bats are dying by the millions

The problem, however, is that bat populations are being reduced in many areas, and researchers are suspecting the involvement of pesticides. This is concerning numerous bat and environmental experts, who have connected insect infestations to bat population reductions.

According to the Bat Conservation International, a group committed to the conservation of bats, more than 5.7 million (and possibly up to 6.7 million) bats have died from a disease called the White-nose Syndrome. The disease appears to be connected to a fungus, but is also related to immunosuppression among the bats.

The link to pesticides

The syndrome is strikingly similar to the bee's colony collapse disorder, which many have attributed to a virus, but more recent research is connecting the disorder to pesticides. The research on CCD among bees has increasingly indicated that pesticides weaken the immune system, allowing the infection to take hold. Now this connection is also being made among bats."


Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Must be GMO week.


"US and China Caught Secretly Testing GMO Rice on Children

Instead of putting genetically modified foods through proper trials as consumers have been demanding for years, it appears the United States Department of Agriculture in alliance with the Chinese government have instead chosen to secretly test their latest GMO rice on young Chinese children. What’s particularly interesting is the fact that the agencies decided they even needed to test the rice, after claiming that GMO rice and all other GM creations are virtually identical to natural foods...

Currently under investigation by Chinese health officials, the research project was cracked wide open after Greenpeace reportedly corresponded with the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention to expose the ongoing research. Currently, Greenpeace is calling for a stop to the trials which are reportedly continuing in the field. Citing health and environmental risks, Greenpeace says that the studies are taking place on roughly 24 children aged between six and eight years old. It has also been said that the parents likely were completely unaware or misinformed."

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
I can't get the link to work, but it's on

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Monsanto is one of the most evil corporations out there today and if you aren't aware of that yet, then I'd recommend you go out and do your own research, because certainly no one else is going to tell you a thing that you'll believe. They are literally threatening the entire world's food supply out of greed and an insane sense of ownership. Selective breeding of seeds has been going on for centuries. This is through natural processes. Genetic modification is QUITE DIFFERENT. It uses radiation, splicing fish genes into watermelon seeds, and many other bizarre and largely unexposed practices. That IS NOT NATURAL. If someone wants to experiment with their own food like that, fine. But don't go sneaking it into everyone's diet, pissing down our throats telling us it's good-for-you-spring-water.

We have absolutely no way of knowing what the outcome will be to human beings and other animals because, bottom line, the studies haven't been done, and even if they had been started, there hasn't been enough time to see what atrocities can come of it. I highly doubt when it's all said and done that we will see no change in our people and ecosystems. They are already becoming apparent on the ecosystems. These mildest changes have already been documented... GMO foods don't bear nearly the same amounts of nutrients, so we eat and get fat while we're actually starving for nutrients. We can obviously see already that the terminator gene in a lot of their seeds readily cross pollinates, thereby threatening the sustainability and independent reproduction of most major crops.

Stick your heads in the sand if you want, go bathe in Round Up if you want. That stuff, after all, is 'COMPLETELY NON-TOXIC TO HUMANS'. If you believe it, why not bathe in it and prove your belief? After all, that's pretty much what you're asking everyone else who wants to be able to safely shop in a grocery store to do if they don't start labeling.
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Oh my goodness, where to begin? So much misinformation and just general lack of understanding of how the world works.

"Do you believe drug companies should be allowed to sale their wares to the American people free and clear up until it is scientifically proven that the drug is dangerous?"
That is not how the drug industry works. Do I really have to explain that?

"Do you believe the FDA serves the people or the corporations that lobby and pay political contributions?"
The people, of course. What a strange question.

"Your argument is, show me it's bad, until then, I'm gonna bury my head in the sand assume it safe"
Don't tell me what my argument is.

"I think one should assume GMOs are bad until proven otherwise."
They have been proven otherwise but okay, go ahead, tell me what has to be done to satisfy you that they are safe. If the answer is "nothing" then you're the one with the buried head.

"Have you read the FDA stance on GMOs?"
If they have an official stance, I can't find it. I can get some hints of it from some of the articles I can find on their website and it basically boils down to what others have been saying here: nearly every foodstuff has been genetically modified by one means or another and yes it is safe.

"Do you agree with the FDA stance?"
If it is as described above, then yes.

"You ask for scientific proof that GMOs are bad. I in turn ask you for scientific proof that GMOs are safe."
You are the one making ridiculous claims, you come up with proof.
Name one person who has been killed by eating GM food. In many cases
the GM product is identical to the non-GM product down to the *molecule*.
That in itself is absolute proof that it is as safe as the original product, except if you believe in homeopathy.

"We're arguing about something we as humans put into our body - we are what we eat. Better safe than sorry if you ask me."
The same silly argument could be used to stop every single scientific advancement that has improved our lives immeasurably over the centuries.
1. Test if safe. 2. If safe, use. not: 2. If safe, don't use anyway because I'm scared of things I don't understand.

"Years humans have been eating GMO food: 18"
You missed by about a factor of 1000 there, since farming began.
"Monsanto is one of the most evil corporations"
What a ridiculous statement and typical of the unscientific and emotive arguments being put forward.

"They are literally threatening the entire world's food supply out of greed and an insane sense of ownership."
They're a publicly listed company, not KAOS.

"It uses radiation, splicing fish genes into watermelon seeds"
It's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.

"We have absolutely no way of knowing what the outcome will be to human beings and other animals because, bottom line, the studies haven't been done, and even if they had been started, there hasn't been enough time to see what atrocities can come of it."
Yes we do have ways of knowing, but if you immediately assume the outcome will be "atrocities" then there is no point explaining anything to you.

"GMO foods don't bear nearly the same amounts of nutrients"
I really think you have GM confused with something else. Added nutirents is often the very reason for applying this technology.
Let me get this straight about the bats (not sure what this has to do with anything, let alone Hawaii or GM but anyway).

1. Bees have been dying from something which may or may not be linked to pesticides.

2. Bats have been dying from something that may or may not be similar to what bees are dying from.

Therefore: pesticides are killing bats!

Reductionism at it's finest.

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lack of understanding how knowledge is acquired and valid conclusions are reached at its finest.
Then again you're the person who believes in remote healing.

You even spelled "its" wrong. What has happened to education in this country!
If it works and I can't debunk it, I consider it. Ciao, dude!

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

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