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Saddle Road Update
Goodfellow Brothers is slated to begin work on the Saddle Road 6(7) phase (paving 10.47 miles of new highway on the Kona side) in early January. GBI's bid submittal stated they'll complete this phase in 200 calendar days, which is in early August 2013.
Good to hear. Thanks.
Evil paradise pavers!

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Oink, simply resurfacing the existing pavement won't fix serious design deficiencies. These deficiencies have resulted in numerous accidents and deaths, so I'm very pleased about these improvements.

I nearly got into a bad accident by m.m 18 on the eastern side of Saddle Road about 6 years ago. I was slowing down and my truck spun out of control on a wet portion of the pavement. My truck ended up in the bushes.
i'm pleased with the updates. i don't know how many times i've remarked to myself that i wish the county (or state) would have had the foresight to build a decent road from Keaau to Pahoa. They should have done that 20 years ago.
Aaron, that was posted with humorous intent. How could I resist after the previous episode.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
oink's a sporty driver; he resents straightening out curves. I totally understand where he is coming from! I had a Miata back on the mainland and I pursued all routes that claimed curves. It was so much fun. Rarely drove on the freeway unless I had an important destination with little time to get there.

I think our east islanders who commute to the west side for their jobs (which aren't on this side) will be thrilled to have a faster, safer road. When I say "faster", I am not implying speed.

Ah! speed. There were roads in Oregon on the east side of the state that invited speed and nerves on edge, wondering how fast the car could go before floating off the road! No cops, no side streets, no traffic...just miles and miles of empty road. I would love to do that
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
They aren't eliminating the curves are they? The saddle road was once known as one of the best driving roads in America. The biggest problem up there is tourist Jeeps that don't yield when they are supposed to, scary.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Ah yes, Oregon... we do have many a country road, that bends, rises, drops and has tons of changing cambers. Oh I almost forgot, 7 months of cold ass rain, regulations and gates on every gravel road... That said, I really hope they only fix the surfaces of these roads, not their over all paths.

BTW: 1971 Datsun 510 SSSL-1600. Caged, fuel cell, recaro race Buckets with 5 point harnesses.

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