10-03-2012, 03:59 AM
We have now achieved third world statius
State taking over elections
10-03-2012, 06:28 AM
About freakin' time. I still want her out, and anyone who supported her mission of electoral destruction, including Yagong.
10-03-2012, 11:38 AM
Yes, Nago's body language and temperament is clearly showing him to be at wits end. But I think Rex Quidilla does a much better job at articulating the issues as well as the compounding issues created:
http://www.bigislandnewscenter.com/state...st-resort/ Nonetheless, I can't wait to see what the Chair and his Clerk do next. If there is one thing we have learned, just when you think it can't get any worse, it just gets worse. Several years ago, Gary Safarik entered a meeting as Chairman and left as a regular Council member. Why oh why can't Ford muster the guts to stand up and say - "you are out!" If she can't get 4 more to vote with her, they all just need to go home. And what Safarik did to lose the Chairmanship is chicken feed as to what the current Chair's arrogance, ignorance and stupidity, along with what has to be the absolute most inept degreed lawyer as his Clerk has done with this entire election mess. And don't forget, we got one more employee who will soon be filing their wrongful termination/defamation suit as well as the impending wrongful death suit. But in the end, I fail to see what the end game was anyway? To fire long term employees? To “take over” the election and “change the votes” - what the hell was the reason to bring all this on, when if the 4 election workers indeed committed acts that clearly deserved terminations, that could have been done, legally and properly. But why screw up everything else as it was screwed up? What the hell was the point? And how does what the Chairman and Clerk done with this whole debacle NOT deserving of immediate termination of employment? Remember, when all this is over, lawsuits settled - the County will be out over 2 million bucks. That’s Dominic’s legacy! As well as Ford’s. A public apology could have settled this for 10 grand each worker and no Election Day screw ups. Ford was too uptight to say “I’m sorry.” She can now say that when she is voted out!
10-04-2012, 07:54 AM
Ken, pahoated: damn good questions!
FYI: Hawaii County Clerk Jamae Kawauchi says she will meet with Scott Nago, the state's chief elections officer and other officials at the state attorney general's office. Kawauchi said in a statement she requested today's meeting to discuss the state's recent decision to run Hawaii County's polls on election day next month. Kawauchi says attorneys from the state attorney general's office will attend the meeting along with Hawaii County counsel. She said the county's elections division will also attend a state elections workshop today. The state decided to take over operation of Hawaii County's polls after widespread problems led several Big Island polling places to open late on primary election day. Gov. Neil Abercrombie ordered Big Island polls to stay open 90 minutes later than originally planned as a result. http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/break...=172654241 As the stomach churns.
10-05-2012, 03:18 AM
"There is this report, which was reported by Kawauchi herself, that there had been unauthorized use of county computer equipment with access to the voter database by this guy taxedtodeath."
Pahoated, Where is the report on authorized use of county computer equipment you mention in the above post? Are you talking about a government report, or a news report? I have seen no mention of anyone named "taxedtodeath" accessing the county computers in any of the news stories on Hawaii Island elections, although I do remember seeing the name on many, many comments posted to stories in the HTH for awhile. Was there really a report referring to a person by their fake internet name? Carol
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys. Polish Proverb
10-05-2012, 04:14 AM
Kawauchi agrees to work with state elections office By Derrick DePledge POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Oct 05, 2012 Hawaii County Clerk Jamae Kawauchi on Thursday thanked voters for their patience after the mishaps of the August primary and said she would work collaboratively with the state to ensure a "fair and well-run election" in November. Kawauchi met privately with Scott Nago, the state's chief election officer, and attorneys at the state attorney general's office two days after Nago made the unprecedented decision to take control of Hawaii County polling places, the control center and counting center for the general election. The county will continue to have responsibility for voter registration and absentee voting. http://www.staradvertiser.com/s?action=login&f=y&id=172797531 Like she has a choice.[ ![]() Re: taxedtodeath, the two lawsuits filed by fired staff include in the documents the moniker: (*Snipped) The defamation allegations follow published comments attributed to Yagong and Kawauchi in the media, as well as remarks an unnamed individual using the moniker “Taxedtodeath” and other unamed individuals posted in comment sections of online versions of articles, according to the lawsuit. http://westhawaiitoday.com/sections/news...ounty.html http://hawaiitribune-herald.com/sections...rkers.html
10-05-2012, 02:13 PM
The individual named "taxedtodeath" has never been directly mentioned as the "unauthorized computer user." He/she/it has only been accused of publishing information that was in the confidential report made by the Investigation Company the Chairman hired to investigate the alleged wrongful acts of the four terminated election workers.
Only two County employees, namely the Chairman and the Clerk had access and knowledge of the information contained in the confidential investigation report, along with the investigator(s) and any other corporate members of the investigation Company that this “taxedtodeath” is accused of publishing on several HTH and WHT today reader comment sections. How he/she/it obtained that information is the contention that the Chairman and/or Clerk and/or the other defendants to the lawsuit caused the information to be published. It should also be noted that additionally the Chairman and/or Clerk and/or the other defendants to the lawsuit are also accused of directly causing the confidential information to be published in the HTH and WHT thru interviews conducted by those newspapers and various comments made by the Chairman during those interviews. Additionally, the allegation of "unauthorized computer log in" has never been mentioned to be that of someone "off the street." Nor, has any accusation ever been made that connects this reported unauthorized log in as someone attempting to alter, delete, add or change the voting records, or an attempt to hack into any of the voting machines. All that has ever been published is that the Clerk reported to Police of an unauthorized computer log in. In as much as this entire mess, caused, created, directed and executed solely by the Chairman and his Clerk, I think it is imperative to respect only the true, accurate and documented facts.
10-06-2012, 02:46 AM
"unauthorized computer access" is probably the biggest provable crime in this entire debacle, exactly why aren't the Federales all over this one?
Could it be that the Big Island can't change who gets elected to Mayor of Honolulu? If we had a $21B federally-funded "transit" project, I bet the Elections office would be crawling with charcoal-gray suits right about now...
10-06-2012, 03:07 AM
FYI: CNN reporter, John D. Sutter, covers this story. First entry in CNN report (an hour ago), and coverage will continue through the general election:
http://cnnchangethelist.tumblr.com/ (*Snipped - More at link) I uploaded some of my behind-the-scenes pics from Edythe and my reporting trip to Hawaii. Check them out on Google+. We got back to Atlanta this morning on the red-eye flight, but we still have a several more updates to post from the journey. Look for our coverage of voting in Hawaii to continue at least through election day.
10-06-2012, 03:45 AM
This is the County Council meeting on 10/3, regarding the lawsuits filed against Yagong, Clerk, & County. It is a "must see".
For example, the Corp Counsel (Kamelamela) is threatened by Yagong to be "thrown out of the building", states that Corp Counsel has asked Yagong to recuse himself, (he won't), Onishi tells the clerk to be quiet, he's not talking to her, and it goes downhill from there. The unmitigated gall of this man (Yagong)! JMO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yBIgd4Y7n4&feature=player_embedded |
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