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R.I.P. - K.F.C.
Having owned a retail store and suffering under the oppressive weight of paying lot rent, the first time I saw that KFC I knew it was going to go under. It had a huge dining area. It gave it a nice spacious feel but when you're paying rent on a huge empty space you are doomed to failure. A KFC may have made it at that location if it was just a drive through with a small inside counter, a couple of tables/chairs inside, and a few more outside.

Also, I don't know why so many places plaster "No public bathrooms" or "bathrooms for patrons only!" (KFC had 2 or 3 of them) since they basically say "don't come in here unless you're reaching for your wallet". Doesn't exactly welcome you in. Another stupid thing I see is where you have to ASK FOR A KEY to use the bathroom, like you're in grade school and you need permission from the teacher to use the restroom. Plus the key (and the giant spoon or whatever it is attached to) is one more disgusting thing that they never sanitize and you just don't want to touch it. Its just my opinion, but I think they lose more business with these approaches than what they gain from stocking less toilet paper. I understand that there are a few bad apples that go in and do disgusting things but if they were monitoring their restrooms appropriately they would know who those people are.
terracore, If you saw what happened to the men's bathroom at a McD's on Maui (sorry, not BI, but it was Hawaii), you'd understand about the key......
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Like the idea of a certified kitchen in central Puna.
Good for community service stuff, and, as you said,
as a business incubator.
Good for specialty "value added" ag products for example.
But assuredly not another restaurant as such.
Anyone have some thoughts along these lines?
Yum brands:

I believe this mess a dispute / bankruptcy by the current franchise holder. It should resolve itself after the bankruptcy gets wrapped up.

Interesting read on Yum brands - they seem to be ok - even if the food is unhealthy.
Originally posted by EightFingers

terracore, If you saw what happened to the men's bathroom at a McD's on Maui (sorry, not BI, but it was Hawaii), you'd understand about the key......

I understand there are some places where they are absolutely necessary (I recall one place in Portland that had heroin users died in them almost weekly. They had the key system but the traffic was so heavy that it was easy to grab the door as somebody was leaving).

And while I don't know what happened in Maui... are you sure they wouldn't have done the same thing, after asking for the key? Or maybe even worse?
GREEK RESTAURANT!!!!! That's my hope. Even if it's a chain... The Fat Greek would be a wonderful addition.

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973

My husband would agree with you.
Actually all of Pahoa has a shortage of bathrooms available for the public. We usually go into Pahoa on Sundays to get our produce at the Pahoa farmers market, and then hit the natural food store for the few things we get there, before going on to the Malama market. If nature calls during that outing there are NO public restrooms available, which means we have to cut our trip short and go back home where there is a bathroom. That in turn means that we end up not spending our money in Pahoa, but instead I pick up what we didn't get when I am in Hilo for work during the week. Every time a possible customer has to go home because there is no place for them to use the bathroom the Pahoa merchants lose money.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by punagirl

Would be nice to see a mom & pop establishment there instead of a chain. A casual fish place or meat & veggie spot.


Well, you got your wish!!
Nothing left to do but

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