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Fight for Non-GMO Foods and Proper GMO Labeling
Really, all one has to look to is the impressive escalation rate of deaths from man made diseases (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc...) in the last 50 years. GMO is not yet a medical diagnosis but if an intelligent person were to investigate the health damages attributed by GMO foods (leaky gut, binding of nutrients, tumor growth, etc...), the correlation would be obvious (to any intelligent person). Not surprisingly, our rate of decline in health parallels the boom in processed foods. Look at footages of people in the 20's, 50's, many were obese? Look at people today, most are obese, including children. Don't you wonder why?

There is a huge difference between responsible technology and those out merely to make profits regardless of the harm. Be responsible, not just for ourselves but also to our humankind, animalkind, and ainakind.

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
Have some anti-depressants with your GMO foods!

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
How many untruths and ridiculous claims can you cram into one post?

"impressive escalation rate of deaths from man made diseases (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc...)"

"US Cancer Deaths Continue Steady Decline"

heart disease:
"U.S. Heart Disease Death Rates Falling"

"Death rate drops among Americans with diabetes -CDC"

Even if the death rate was increasing (it obviously isn't), on what basis do you
connect it to GM? Anyone with the "intelligence" that you claim to have knows that
correlation does not mean causation. TV viewing has increased in the last 50 years as well,
do you conclude that it is to blame for the increased deaths due to heart disease, even though
there has been no increase?

Genetic modification of seeds takes many paths. Irradiating seeds to 'turn on' or 'turn of' genetic markers is most certainly one method. What the hell, PaulW, didn't you do your research? And what about the companies that Monsanto bought that you couldn't seem to find? Did you find those yet? Cancer rates are on the decline??? (Cough. Choke. Incredulous blinks.) OK. Whatever you and your sources want to claim. Diabetes is on the decline?? Uh huh. Yeah, okay. More early stage diabetes is going on in America than EVER before. Heart Disease death rates are falling? Maybe so, maybe because people are getting taken out by cancer and diabetes first.

I'm out of this conversation already. Quite contrary to what many of you are trying to insinuate, most of the people who are arguing FOR GMO seem like the crazy ones who need tinfoil hats in this thread; making sweeping, stereotypical, disparaging personal remarks that are way off topic, and making statements left and right that are just flat out wrong. To the rest of you great souls, let's continue to stand strong, keep informed, share information (even if we disagree on what the information might mean) and shine the light, especially in the face of adversity. A hui ho~

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Yurtgirl, you disappoint me. If you make a ridiculous claim, e.g. Monsanto is buying up every company that is threatening to expose its Evilness, then it's YOU who has to come with the facts, not me. How can I prove Monsanto isn't doing that?

The quote was about death rates, not incidence of disease. You should read more carefully.
Here, go read this. Tell me where it mentions GM, specifically the insertion of foreign genetic material, as you claimed earlier.

"Whatever you and your sources want to claim" These are reliable sources. They are not claims, they are facts. Are you telling me that death rates have not decreased? What sort of crazy conspiracy would need to be dreamed up for that one?

"most of the people who are arguing FOR GMO seem like the crazy ones who need tinfoil hats in this thread"
Really? Please tell me which bizarre claim have I made that would earn me the coveted tinfoil hat.

Still waiting for the name of even one person who has been killed by GM papayas. Do you eat them?
You forget, logical reasoning is also deflected by aluminium foil.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Wow. Whether you agree with PaulW or you agree with Yurtgirl, the answer is as always, speak with your wallet (or debit card or ?).

Did KFC last with little business? No. Did people speaking up through not purchasing KFC if they dont like them work better than all the protestors when it was going up which did absolutely nothing?

Common sense dictates that YOU have the power to influence what comes here, and what you choose to eat. As I said before, buy local from farmers who you know what their growing practices are. You may not be able to get fruit that is out of season, so buy the seasonal fruit - that makes a good varied diet. Dont buy it if it has been transported from far away. << Thats my common sense suggestion.

Why do you need the government telling you what to do? You are all responsible intelligent adults. Monsanto may not be... so take responsibility for yourself.
Unbelievable! Ya'll tin foil hatters still choose to believe what you see with yer own eyes instead of listening to the gov't telling ya what yer seeing! Ya'll insistant on critical thinkin instead of listenin to the mantra of the lobbyists and corporate whores! Ya'll hog stubbern about doing yer own independant research rather than buy the bought scientists' paid fer documents! Durn it all, don't ya'll realize that all dem obese people ya see evrywares are just healthfully plump? All dem rail thin people with no hair are on the Hollyweid diet with the latest Sinaed hairdoo? All dem people living on the streets are just nature lovers who don't care to be confined by 4 walls or just lazi. Dem people on foodstamps actually want more access to healthful GMO manipulated, tainted, artificial colored, artificial flavored, artificial foods because the gov't blessed them, so they must be healthy. Dem good folks in blue put their hands down your kids underpants for deir own safety and all good parents should tell deir kids it's OK to have complete strangers put their hands down deir nickers while momie's boobies get fondled cause homeland specialists say so. All dem brown people who git killed evrywares just 'cause dey hate our freedoms. Don't believe me? The TV says so! All ya'll tin foil hatters just betta listen up and watch the TV evry single day with da pretty people telling ya how it is. After all all, dey're learned. Now, be good Americans and roll over! Ethyl, git me a beer!!! The American Dream Rights We Like War Homelessness

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
Kapohocat, you're bordering on blas'me and yer tin foil hat's showing. Coarse we need da gov'ment and politicians! Who else would take care of us? Who else would tell us how to think and act and believe? Why, I be a complete droolin' idiot fool if it wernt for de gov'ment. You take it back Kapohocat!

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
Geez, so many of you sick tin foil hatters everywhere!
"I've been pondering this topic for weeks, trying to find the words to communicate the full impact of this realization to which we are all increasingly awakening. Everything is rigged... the stock market, the news, the food, your taxes, public schools, the health care system, and on and on. Even Lance Armstrong's cycling victories were all apparently rigged (with doping), we're now finding out.

But what do I mean by "rigged" specifically? All these systems and industries are rigged to cheat you, to suppress you, and ultimately to suppress your human potential.

Think about it. The sick-care system is intentionally engineered to give you cancer, keep you sick, and keep you locked into a medical system that enriches powerful corporations while sacrificing human life.

The financial system is rigged to quietly steal the value of your money through endless monetary creation also known as "quantitative easing." The more money the Fed prints, the less valuable the money you worked so hard to earn is left remaining.

The political system is utterly rigged to give you the illusion of choice while parading in front of you two puppets of different skin colors who both serve the same masters (the banksters).

The food system is rigged with GMOs that actually poison you while spreading genetic pollution across farms and fields everywhere.

The news is utterly and comprehensively rigged, and this was highlighted yet again by former CNN star reporter Amber Lyon who just went public with scathing accusations about how CNN allowed foreign terror regimes to actually BUY positive coverage on CNN's broadcasts! This story is absolutely astonishing, and the very best interview of Amber Lyon exposing all this was conducted by Alex Jones and is found on (Must-see video.) See Amber Lyon's website at:

The justice system is ridiculously rigged. A woman was arrested a few weeks ago and charged with a felony crime for drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. Meanwhile, absolute evil-minded criminals like Jon Corzine and Eric Holder go free with no prosecution whatsoever. The criminals run free while the innocent are persecuted.

"Science" is largely rigged. Science journals are all dominated by Big Pharma advertising money, and nearly all the so-called science you see in the news anymore is just a regurgitation of fabricated research from corporate science whores who have sold their integrity for a paycheck. Much of the effort behind "science" today is spent reinforcing a monopoly over medicine by pushing deadly vaccines while disparaging healing plants and nutrients.

Government regulators are completely rigged. The FDA looks out primarily for the interests of Monsanto and drug companies, not the safety of the American people. The USDA is completely beholden to the biotech industry and the meat factory giants, routinely betraying Americans with its decisions.

Private property is rigged. Thanks to unconstitutional property taxes, you never really "own" your land. Instead, you lease it from the government. Don't believe me? Try not paying property taxes and see what happens. Your property will soon be seized at gunpoint and taken over by the government.

Even WAR is completely rigged. Wars are started with false flag attacks engineered by the imperialist USA, then all the reporting on war is completely censored to shield the American public from the truth of how horrifying it really is. The entire experience of war is sanitized, processed, homogenized... just like the processed cow's milk you're (hopefully not) drinking.

How do you beat a rigged system? Don't play!".....

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012

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