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Connectivtiy and Mt View.
Mountainview meeting:
They are making up a new plan!! Surprise. People who dont live here allowed change our plan?
We worked for 6 years paying for a real plan. Written by mountainview for mountain view.
We wrote it. Mapped it. Petitioned it. Published it with John Whalen. Ssfm.
It was published in 2006
No mention of: priorities necessary before planning.
No fire station : number one priority in the Cdp!
Kurtistown: no Fire station.(:fern acres burned us down twice. )
No transfer stations . .
No connectivity where it belongs ie in smallest, , bulldozed subs.

No highway 11 no , Dpw or Hilo council showed up. After refusing to repair highway 11 for 40 years. We invited them.
We voted for district moratorium on Cdp.
We need to stop developmemt until Keeau cdp implemented.
We voted to keep keeau. , Ola'a and waikea forest reserve protection.
No open space in district 5?
We are paying to drive 20 miles so 40,000 commercial & touristsl do no pay us..?
We mapped all connectivity. . Not mentioned.
You cannot put 40,000 extra vehicles without fire station
Transfer station
No post office.
No rural delivery
No wifi
No cell phone Reception.
No television.
No land lines.
No medical. No senior services.
Highest cost of living. Highest sspp's.
Not allowed solar.
All roads destroyed by county. Still not paid for.
That is not thinking intelligently.
Dpw refuse to Eradicate albizia they planted on Moho road. most dangerous invasive species. . none existed in upper Puna.
No highway 11 engineering code passed.
Orchidland only has 14 miles of roads. Worse than HA. That is Criteria for connectivity.

To our surprise there is no mention of the Pdcp working groups about Keeau instead of Mt view. It is apparent that the AC did not participate in any of the PCDP's. This one is following yamashiro , Yamada, fuke , Dpw , and Helco. 1984-1996. no working groups included. 9000 people were deleted. ?
We heard a rumor of ambulance for HPP.?
HPP has two transfer stations. Two shopping centers. Two fire stations. Flat bulldozed albizia land. Closest to all
i'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say - but it sounds exciting!
I'm confused by that list Hapahaole. Where is a copy available of this published plan? The meeting on October 18 was not held to make a plan. It was a meeting to gather people interested in working on a plan as established in the Puna CDP. Did you sign up to be contacted to help? Maybe you have good information. The 2010 census showing almost 100% growth in Eden Roc, Fern Forest, and Fern Acres shows a need to work on these kind of issues.

Peace and long life
Peace and long life
The list above sounds about right.

The PCDP is four years old, and the working groups are just now getting to Mountain View?

Without funding (tax revenue and/or a developer with deep pockets) it matters little what "plan" people have. In case nobody's noticed, we're all pretty much on our own up here.

More to the point: past history demonstrates that Planning will do whatever they think is "best" regardless of what "the community" supports. Also, any "plan" will be shaped by those who have time to "participate"; the rest of us are working three jobs just to scrape by.
Where are these mythic transfer stations and shopping centers in HPP? You mean I've been driving on that death trap of a highway to Kea'au and Pahoa when we have those services here? They must be well hidden.

What we do have is large chunks of land in private hands that are designated on the original subdivision map for schools, shopping/light industrial and parcels owned by the HPPOA that are designated for parks. None of those things actually exist, and those designations don't match up with the county zoning for HPP.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

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