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Elections office 2
The Tribune-Herald had a article today on the Election Mess based on some 400 pages of documents acquired from a document request. By Nancy Cook-Lauer

"Two days before the Aug. 11 primary, state and county officials were aware that a “blue flu” was about to hit the Hawaii County Elections Division, resulting in the election day absence of more than half of the permanent division staff — including the top administrator."

It seems that the evidence is that County Clerk Jamae Kawauchi is not alone in culpability for the primary problems. This is as I had suspected. Jamae was nor capable alone of causing precincts to not open. I am not suggesting the County Clerk is off the hook for her contributions but the blame gets spread around by the research provided by the Tribune-Herald.

All of this is lost on Tiffany Hunt at Big Island Chronicle who played a role in the stress of the mess too. She has her own axe to grind and grinds it. Her ego was offended when the clerk did not invite her to a press conference. Tiffany's reputation either did or did not precede her. Research is not Big Island Chronicle's forte. Tiffany will print a rumor and treat it like fact if it fits her personal agenda.

Inter-relationships between the fired workers and state elections office official, "blue-flu" where election workers and volunteers abandoned their responsibilities for the purpose of causing havoc on election day left County Clerk Jamae Kawauchi holding the bag.

Considering the way Tiffany has imitated Hunter Bishop's history of hackery for Billy Kenoi it will not surprise me if Kenoi wins reelection that Tiffany dumps BIC for a paid position at the mayor's office. Will history repeat itself? Not if Billy Kenoi is smart.

Just a commentary.....

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I think you spoke your mind perfectly Rob.

This is more about your childish immature ongoing bull**** between Tiffany Edwards Hunt and yourself, and, as such blinds you to what an arrogant, ignorant stupid Chairman and his grossly inept clerk’s actions that caused this mess in the first place.

Tiffany is one of the few who had the guts to expose the crap those two people really are.

And all you can do is shoot the messenger and offer words of degradation in your grade school yard immature mentality.

What a pitiful jerk you really are! Truly pitiful!

Just a fact based commentary………………..
Ken I'm not going to get into a name calling exchange with you. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

I get the impression you have not read the article in the Herald Tribune. Let me know if you want me to email it to you.

The Trib article adds another dimension missing from any of Tiffany Hunts writings. Research.

While the County Clerk may have screwed up several ways I see none of them as being willful or malicious. What motive could she possibly have for ruining the primary and her career? The actions of a number of elections staff, paid and volunteer, were willful and malicious and caused the actual failure on primary day. They are protected by their union. What motive might they possibly have for ruining the primary election and her career?

Tiffany has been carefully ignoring mitigating facts and developing a history of doing so. Her character assassination of the people seeking a zoning change next door to her shop is a perfect example. It is too bad. For the second time we have a promising local blog devolving into a special interest rag.

Let me know if you want the Trib article sent to you. Or anyone.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I almost hate to bring this up, but: the election is a circus, ours more so, and petty infighting means you've fallen for it -- now arguing amongst yourselves while the local big-money landowners decide the future.
Indeed, yes indeed.
I tend to agree to a point with kalakoa and punaticbychoice.

The issues I am exploring here though are very local and relate to the operation of our county election office and the degree to which careers and office performace are jeopardized by politics, incompetence and manipulation. Related to this is the lack of competent local reporting.

The local large landowners do their best to perpetuate their hold on local progress... plantation style. The local unions also often exercise more sway than we mere voters.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

I did read the article. Like about 10 minutes AFTER it was put up on HTH on site. I love the shallow minded need you would have to insinuate that I did not read the article.

I read the WHOLE article. From the first word to the last word. And I read it several times.

Now, as the CEO, President and Chairman of the Board of a Construction Company that was held personally liable for a Superintendent in Houston, TX who decided to take a company owned truck to a bar, get drunk and kill a family of four on his drive home, I will say that no matter what, the Clerk, and her direct superior are 100% to BLAME for everything.

If, as you contend, the Unions are this tough - the Clerk and the Chairman could have brought in much much bigger guns to prove their point – and get their goal, if there was any other goal excepting ego, arrogance and ignorance, accomplished.

I am not saying the workers are not AT FAULT. They are however, not the ones who need to be BLAMED.

I think the most important words in the HTH article are as follows:

“All along, she said everything was under control,” Nago said on Friday, “And we had no reason to believe it wasn’t.”

Sometimes being the “boss” has its privileges. Other times, it requires responsibility. I see not one elected or appointed official taking any responsibility here. Just trying to pass the buck of responsibility as to deflect any form of blame.

I would not vote for Linda Lingle.
I would not vote for Barack Obama.
I will not vote for anyone in our "easy going police state" that is the USA,
and by unfortunate extension, Hawaii and Hawai'i.
No one cares about us ordinary people.
Although I do not agree with them, the "tea party" in a way has a better grip on
certain aspects of what's going on and happening than the liberals, progressives
and of course, the "Obamabots".
Got a problem with that anyone?
Learn some history, economics and general and modern popular culture.
And as Rahm Emanuel said about you, try not to be a bunch of "retards".
Just saying in your ignorance, you will happily throw all the limited progress we have achieved since the New Deal away.
Not to mention what to do as residents of the temporarily suspended Kingdom of Hawaii.
That's a whole other issue, and a real one.
And if you don't like that, tough to you too.
Originally posted by Obie


Ken has previously posted on another site that his 3 brothers were killed by a drunk driver near the Boston Logan airport.

Really bad luck !!

"CEO, President and Chairman of the Board"

Really !!

I guess he will say he is filling the positions held by his brothers.

Sorry to stray from the subject of this post but Ken started it.

I found it interesting that most people in Hawaii don't vote because the Democrats who are controlled by the Unions are in control.

Voting for Linda Lingle would be a start !!

I see the Puna Troll is back in full force!

Yes, I lost my three brothers due to a drunk driver. Yes, the accident where my three brothers were killed by the 5 time convicted drunk driver happened outside of Logan Airport, in Boston, MA.

And yes, since the deaths of my three brothers, I have assumed 100% ownership as well as all three titles.

I stated my three positions within the Company to make the point that I was personally held responsible for the actions of an employee I never met until after he killed a family of four while being drunk in Houston, TX.

Perhaps maybe you can begin to slightly grasp my disdain for the drunk driver, especially those who uphold and defend the drunk driver.

Now, what does your point have to do with any of this election mess?


I will bet however, you are one heck of a DRUNK Troll!!!
Originally posted by punaticbychoice

I would not vote for Linda Lingle.
I would not vote for Barack Obama.
I will not vote for anyone in our "easy going police state" that is the USA,
and by unfortunate extension, Hawaii and Hawai'i.
No one cares about us ordinary people.
Although I do not agree with them, the "tea party" in a way has a better grip on
certain aspects of what's going on and happening than the liberals, progressives
and of course, the "Obamabots".
Got a problem with that anyone?
Learn some history, economics and general and modern popular culture.
And as Rahm Emanuel said about you, try not to be a bunch of "retards".
Just saying in your ignorance, you will happily throw all the limited progress we have achieved since the New Deal away.
Not to mention what to do as residents of the temporarily suspended Kingdom of Hawaii.
That's a whole other issue, and a real one.
And if you don't like that, tough to you too.

You really just need to ask one question:

Is converting to a republican religious theocracy better than the current state of affairs?

Vote in accordance with that.


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