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FREE HAWAII Movement--Nov. 5th 2012
And the Han Chinese record with national minorities has been, to be diplomatic,
less than stellar.
Oooh! Sign waving. What fun.
Let's see... First thing that would happen? Hawaiian's would beg the US government to take it back.

Just think, no more fast food, no more walmarts, no more safeway, no more nothing... No more cargo ships with supplies for ANYTHING coming to the ports. So basically, no Power, No water, No food, No beer, No Hawaiian Airlines, No FedEx, No Foodstamps in da mail, No SSI Checks, NO MAIL period... No nothing....

Personally I'd find it great. I'd be the one to survive. But Oahu? Please! It's estimated if the ships from the mainland stopped bringing in supplies (food) they would be out of food in weeks! No more cars, cause No gas. I hate to stereotype but, I've seen locals take the bus for less than half a mile cause they no like use a side walk! Could you imagine how much trash would be on the ground with out the state coming around to pick it up? People no like use a trash can either.

Let's not even get on Health Care! But sorry, got a problem? Better start drinking more noni its ONO!

Take back hawaii... RIGHT!!! Get real... Only thing Locals are gonna take back is cans and bottles to get a nickel for more beer!
"Only thing locals are going to take back is cans and bottles to get more beer."

Nice. . .not. Prejudice like this in either direction is wrong.
jackson, mahalo. Very offensive, and as kanaka maoli, moreso.

That kind of mentality is counterproductive, as we work towards trying to resolve injustices our people continue to suffer (some self inflicted). Divisive comments like that breed contempt.

Over 100 years of this argument, and we are no further ahead.

At the very least, our host culture and our people, should not be further insulted.


Seems to be two issues at play here (or maybe more)

1) the transition to a constitutional democratic monarchy.

2) the restoration of crown lands

Keep in mind most (if not all) modern kings and queens - do not own the countries or the subjects. Its the other way around.......... A simple vote by the public - party over for the royals....

A good play would be to have the royal house sue the U.S. in world court. This would also enable vetting of "the" royal house by the world political bodies.

A "charge back" if you will, for the value for any titles improperly conveyed while under U.S. occupation. That could establish a fund and make the royal house whole in respect to crown lands - without having to evict the current owners....

As to being expensive - well its tough keeping political animals on a budget - that would be addressed in the new constitution (ie crown lands settlement trust fund) It is 2012 there are some good precedents - all have universal health care .............

You do know that tourism would suffer a decrease, the U.S could ask for reimburse for their expenditures on improvements at military bases.
Do you really want to create another third world country? I would guess a vote on this would go about 30% for 70% against. But to continue on and I wish you good luck! The entertainment value is very nice.

I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool
I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool
Small countries that rely on tourism become economic basket cases. Take Monaco for example.
The Big Island is already an economic basket case; I don't see how being "more" reliant on tourism would really change anything.

Problem with tourism: like everything else, it's tied to the price of oil.
Originally posted by PauHana

Small countries that rely on tourism become economic basket cases. Take Monaco for example.

Really? Really? You believe that?

I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool
I like it here in the shallow end of the gene pool

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