11-20-2012, 02:41 AM
If the geothermal industry wants Puna so bad, they can buy it a parcel at a time -- for the right price, I'll move again, maybe somewhere with less helicopters...
National Geographic Drugs Inc Hawaiian Ice
11-20-2012, 02:41 AM
If the geothermal industry wants Puna so bad, they can buy it a parcel at a time -- for the right price, I'll move again, maybe somewhere with less helicopters...
11-20-2012, 02:42 AM
Cant say I disagree "highest and best use" may apply here ..... or just leave the whole area be, as a natural wonder and go solar....
Not unique to Pele btw. Areas built on rotting vegetation have the same issues. I've seen pipes / smoke stacks / vented flag poles installed to vent the gas upward to dilute the hydrogen sulfide. If its tough to get insurance in the area as a home owner - I wonder where one goes for coverage on a PGV plant. (difficult insurance a indicator of risk) No denying it carries risk to settle in whether one breaths the stuff or or "manages" it like a PGV plant.
11-20-2012, 02:47 AM
As to National Geo - thanks for the link - a good if not disturbing watch.
Begs the question as to how much our local economy is impacted and what percentage of the drug purchases - are paid for by property crime.... Back to insurance rates - grin
11-20-2012, 02:56 PM
Just watching the videos that are around of council meetings (is that a crime now with the prissy Punatites?) and noticed several people in the anti-geothermal crowd looked and sounded much like most twitchers I have personally seen and briefly encountered. A lot of people that live in Puna don't seem to realize the level of crime here. It is beyond simple burglaries. This is a favorite area for the federal witness protection program and there have been more than a few escaped convicts from California that have gone on to be successful businessmen. Like the video is pointing out, this is big business, that is why it is called Drug's Inc. The reason Uncle Robert decided to shut down the wednesday farmers market is there were undercover there and witnessed a teenager dealing ice and a couple other incidents (he and the ho'olaulea had no part in it, being victims of just another avenue for distribution). Saying this is isolated is like saying crack in Harlem is isolated. It's also becoming obvious big oil is making large payoffs around here. Mum's the word on big oil, but screech your tonsils out at geothermal, or that solar panels are falling out of the sky for free.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
11-20-2012, 05:03 PM
Here is a post that illustrates how serious this problem is !
An Open Letter To Prosecuting Attorney Mitch Roth Concerning Enforcement Of Parental Abduction Law: Aloha Tiffany, Thank you for interviewing prosecuting attorney-elect Mitch Roth. Mr. Roth’s stated commitment to the pursuit of justice, as well as his regard for more open communication is indeed encouraging. As such, and particularly as regards an act of domestic abuse in my family, I’m including a letter that I personally delivered to the prosecuting attorney’s office (after a lengthy discussion with the receiving clerk who expressed her dismay and ambivalence at my request that the office accept such a letter from a citizen of Hawaii county who has a good faith cause for seeking justice). No, this is not an act of physical violence. My child and I are victims of parental abduction. And while the damage from such an act may not result in the screams and injury that domestic violence is typically associated with, it has severely damaged me and my child’s entirely healthy bond and attunement to one another. The potential emotional cost to my child, from having her father summarily removed from her life, is profound. This has been a nightmare that essentially resulted from my partner, who, deciding she didn’t want to live here anymore, taking our daughter back to her parents’ home, thousands of miles from our child’s birthplace and home in Hawaii. I am now faced with a $10,000 custody evaluation (in addition to the considerable legal fees) that has been brought about as the Hawaii Police Department somehow felt this felony criminal act to be unworthy of prosecution. For reasons that many involved in enforcement of such laws are fully aware, this has apparently become a viable strategy for fleeing Hawaii with a child. This is simply not right, and if a parent considering such an abduction knew that the law would be rightfully enforced, they obviously would reconsider such an irresponsible act. I’ve never received any response from the prosecuting attorney’s office and would feel remiss in not taking this opportunity to express this here, in the hope that Mr. Roth, as our newly elected prosecuting attorney, may find this worthy of consideration. For perhaps obvious reasons, I wish to remain anonymous and have redacted all names. Mahalo. September 21, 2012 Dear Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, On December 1, 2011, I drove my daughter and her mother to the Hilo airport for their visit to [mainland]. They never returned, contrary to the agreed upon travel duration from December 1, 2011 to January 11, 2012. As I carried my child to the ticket counter and gave the two of them a last hug before driving home, I hadn’t the slightest inclination that my daughter was being removed from her and my life in Hawaii. In typical fashion, her mother thanked me using the endearment “sweetie†as we parted at the airport. The intervening nine months equates to over one-fourth of my daughter’s entire life. This has been a tragic and unnecessary disruption to the stability of our father/daughter relationship. On January 19, 2012, after failing to resolve this family matter cooperatively, I had no other recourse to my parental commitment to my child than to file a complaint of custodial interference with the Hawaii Police Department. This taking of my child, in the absence of a court order determining custody or visitation rights as specified in subsection © of HRS §707-726, is the type of abuse of a parent/child bond that such a law seeks to prevent. Furthermore, there is absolutely no evidence to substantiate good cause in this instance. To the contrary, my lack of any criminal record whatsoever, my verifiable positive involvement in the community as a schoolteacher for over twenty years, as well as the readily provable falsity of subsequently alleged substance abuse and safety concerns at our home dispels any veracity to immanent bodily injury as an affirmative defense. (In November 2011, our relationship counselor [name] MFT asked our child’s mother if she had any safety concerns at our home, to which she responded that there were none.) In the phone call that I ultimately received from Detective [name], informing me of the charge not being further pursued, the only justification he told me was, “She just doesn’t want to returnâ€. Surely such a statement doesn’t fit the definition of “good causeâ€. This matter has been taken up in the Family Court of Hilo. Nonetheless, profound burdens — financial, emotional, and otherwise, have been shifted onto me and my daughter through the Respondent’s improper taking of our child. Such burdens are not in my daughter’s best interests. For the sake of expediency in minimizing the harmful impact upon my child, I’m asking your office to re-consider this potential felony violation of Hawaii statutory law so as to, in as expeditious of a manner as possible, minimize further harm to my daughter through this criminal act. Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated, [name and contact information redacted]
11-20-2012, 06:56 PM
One of the big problems with drug use is it will have you begin a conversation about, say, drug use, only to have it pivot to geothermal and god knows what else. But I always like to get back to the topic, because I am just high on life.....really, really, stratospherically, when-are-you-going-to-come-down-when-are-you-going-to-land-I-should-have-stayed-on-the-farm-I-should-have-listened-to-my-old-man high on life.
Hey, Open Letter Dad. I assume there was an original order for custody and that it provided for the child to be primarily with one parent with visitation to the other parent. If your order provides for you to have custody, the remedy is to enforce the order. Such an order is enforceable throughout the United States under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (enacted in all 50 states) which provides continuing,exclusive jurisdiction to the court that issued the order. Such jurisdiction may only be lost or ceded to another state under specific circumstances set forward in the act (such as all parties no longer residing in the state that issued the order). Assuming such an order issued out of Hawaii, it is enforceable in the other state. Courts do not like it when their orders are flouted and will usually express that by sending out the Sheriff. Criminal enforcement of a child custody order under parental kidnapping laws is rare. What parents usually want first is to get the child back, and not for the other parent to go to prison (which would achieve the same effect but only after charging, prosecution, and a conviction by a judge or jury -- that doesn't happen in a day). Even if an allegation is made regarding substance abuse (and these are very common, because they are easy to make and disproving them takes some effort), that would not normally allow the other parent to have sole physical custody ABSENT A COURT ORDER to that effect. Such an order would usually be provisional or temporary, pending a hearing on the matter. Thus, it is important to know the following: 1) Whether a child custody order is in place, 2) Whether Hawaii issued that order, 3) Whether the order provides for joint custody with primary custody in one parent and visitation to another (the usual arrangement when parents are in two different states), 4) Whether there is a conflicting order in another state (this would be resolved under the Act cited above which provides for continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to only ONE court). Studies pending a hearing are an unfortunate an expensive byproduct. However, if they are performed objectively and professionally. they can be useful to the parent who has been wrongfully deprived of custody. Children bond easily, quickly and naturally to both parents and if they 4 years old, as this one would be, would usually express a wish to be with that other parent as well, which will be reflected in the report. The law favors the child having time with both parents. Going to the prosecutor is not the best way to get your child back. Going to the courts and enforcing the existing order is. It is enforceable in all 50 states. Not legal advice, open letter dad -- just a rumination. As for the drug problem, I notice it when traveling through Pahoa. The Cash and Carry and Irie Smoke Shop seem to be vectors! Although to be honest with you, everyone here seems to move a little slow so it is hard to tell, with the exception of a person or two who moves very, very, very, fast. Gotta be ready for the changeup, which you won't be because you are used to the slow people and want to be cool and lugubrious like they are! As for paranoia, I think that very heavy marijuana use causes this as well. It may, for example, cause you to refuse a Coke because it wasn't opened in front of you, may have you exclaiming you see someone drive up when no one has, and may have you locking your doors and shuttering your windows. You might also begin to think this song is about you, when it really isn't. Being paranoid due to excessive marijuana use does not make you any less lovable, but I do think these entirely fictive examples illustrate that paranoia can be a byproduct of a substance that is otherwise much more benign than ICE. But then, what do I know? -- When I see a buffo, I turn into Buffy the Vampire Killer. I view them as an existential threat and a precursor to a full-on zombie invasion. And when that buffo stuff gets on my hands, I feel a little high. I want to stick my fingers in my nose and rub it all over my face. I swear I am not capturing them for that reason. Oh, god, no......wait... I think I fit right in here. Don't you? P.S. Love me some geothermal but the real problem with it is this: 1) It doesn't reduce rates, and 2) It is owned by a non-American company. I object to the whole non-American thing. Sorry. Just had to say that. Yuck. Where is that sense of patriotism? Ugh. Why am I never consulted on these things? Barf. P.S.S. Topic is whether Puna is full of druggies who can't stay on topic.
11-20-2012, 07:02 PM
I agree Pahoated, I don't think people realize the seriousness of all the crime that goes on. Whether its meth dealing or people disregarding stop signs there is a serious lack of respect for the law. I see torn open bags of trash on almost every road and highway. As mentioned in other posts there is no enforcement of laws such as tinted windows or blaring subwoofers. People sit outside Island Naturals and get up to ask you if you want to buy grass and sit right back down if you turn them down - right back down between the families and tourists lol! Some of the stupid things I've seen people doing on the highway are inexcusable like driving 60+ with a truck bed full of kids or truck beds piled high with unsecured loads trash and belongings flying out the entire way...I'm sure I could go on for sometime? So ill just get to the point...
What exactly is it that the Police here DO? Cheers rainyjim
11-21-2012, 02:33 AM
Jim didn't you watch the video?
Their all out hunting down the Ice, herion and pot dealers! [ ![]()
11-21-2012, 03:15 AM
quote: Kelena, the paranoia described does not fit the profile of someone who puffs weed, it is more fitting to describe the behavior of a person using meth - snorting, shooting, smoking or eating tissue balls of. I believe paranoia while partaking weed is caused by the demonization society and the government has placed on a substance that is less harmful than booze! The paranoia is not present when legal consumption is the norm. As for Herion, Ice, and new designer drugs GET THEM OFF THE STREETS! I have watched the past 25 years people I use to know become people I did not know anymore. Some hardly recognizable due to degradation of their bodies due to meth use. Many of them have already passed on from the abuse to their bodies. As Roseanne Barr said on her Roseanne's Nuts show, "This marijuana suppression is really burning me up!"
11-21-2012, 03:36 AM
'cant ever trust a junkie - as true today as it was in the 70's. Ice is cheap compared to other drugs - hence its appeal to those who live in poverty.
Ice also makes physical changes to the nervous system and psyche that remain after the user stops..... keeping them in poverty - It is a drug that takes away all hope and programs the user to survive in the alternate reality - forever. The current phosphor refining method developed by Germany in WWII to fuel the troops - Germany in the 30's was run by speed freaks who thought it was the way to world domination. in contrast most BI pot smokers home by dinner - grin But the real change came with employer drug testing - pot stays in urine as a marker for thirty days - Ice out in 24 hrs..... We did employer testing (govt required) folks moved from cannabis to other drugs not as easy to test for - but far more destructive. We stopped seeing cannabis in the samples - but trace values of other more quickly eliminated substances like coke,ice and the old stand by alcohol - also a 24 hr elimination. Its the NAZI method (and values) - come back to haunt us http://voices.yahoo.com/how-nazi-cold-co...78334.html |
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