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West Coast Senators probe gas prices
I bring this up wondering if our Hawaii senators have the balls to join them..... doubt it.

Senators seek U.S. probe of refineries' actions in gasoline market

L.A. Times

By Ronald D. White

November 27, 2012, 11:56 a.m.

The six senators representing the West Coast states of California, Oregon and Washington are sending a letter to U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. today, calling for an investigation into possible manipulation of the gasoline market by refineries that serve the region.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Abolish the EPA and the problem will go away.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
it goes a lot farther than the EPA, but yes that would be a great way to start.

essentially people need to wake up and realize they are serving kings and queens still just like we were 1000 years ago the only thing that has changed is their titles. If you call someone queen or if you call someone CEO does changing their name change the fact they own you?


Not really related because the whole oil-gas-refinery complex on the mainland is not connected at all to the two-refinery Hawaiian islands oil-gas-diesel market and pricing, other than the market price of a barrel of oil. The reason gas in Hawaii used to be so high compared to the mainland was due to the high operating cost of any business in Hawaii. Now, as the cost of a barrel of oil is down over 15% since the beginning of the year, Hawaii gas prices are about the same as the mainland, that is, those not affected by the local refinery status.

So, Big Oil gets a verified $10 Billion tax subsidy from the government aka your taxes fiercely supported by the Republicans and nobody seems to give a hoot about that. Interesting.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
I think the real reason the refineries were shut down wont be published I saw one or two on fire from the air in Cali (mid september if I remember right). We could see the plumes 50-100 miles out spilling all the black smoke into A.Q.M.D. monitored basin. (not a word from them 'cept this is a minor issue - right) I think there was a spate of refinery fires and shutdowns at that time. Half of them (including what I saw) - never made the papers.

My conspiracy meter says this was not a maintenance issue - nor can the leadership afford to tell the sheeple what really went down that week. This was all around the time that nutcase in LA posted that anti muslim video - do the math, and check the calendar - I did.... Seemed strange - all these fires going down and not a word in the papers until a week later if any. The fires seemed to stop as soon as the U.S.official apology was issued to the islamic media........
Oh, look, massive subsidies to energy companies. Which is perfectly okay, since it's not solar?

about as clearly put as i've seen any scrawl it - my hats off to you Dwedeking


The price of gas is not rising, its the value of your money that is falling. The price of oil has been nearly flat for the last 50 years.

Ask the Federal Reserve why everything seems so expensive, then ask them how they claim inflation is only 2% when prices seem to rise 8% every year.

I just read that they will be removing the penny and nickel from circulation in 2013 because they are so worthless and cost more to make then they are worth. Love that inflation!

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Abolish the EPA?

Pittsburgh with businesses operating in a free market:

Pittsburgh under Big Government Regulation:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Abolish the EPA?

Pittsburgh with businesses operating in a free market:

Pittsburgh under Big Government Regulation:

We don't need the EPA to know that hurting someone by polluting their air is Illegal. However the EPA will grant federal exceptions to people to hurt others and there is nothing you can do about it. Just like the border patrol keeps Texas ranchers from preventing trespassers on their property.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

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