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"Jingle Belles" at the Palace, Saturday, Dec. 1
"Jingle Belles" is a fast-paced variety show featuring top-notch
local female entertainers, fabulous female impersonators, and special
guest: Elvis. It will be an evening of light-hearted song & dance,
side splitting comedy, amazing acrobatics & twirling, an appearance by the Sugar Plum Fairy, and crooning by Elvis.
Janelle Neiman, aka Douglas Wayman has assembled an amazing array of talented performers. Janelle will be sharing the stage with her favorite soprano Amy Horst, World Champion Twirler Annetta Lucero, Bob Kirk as the fabulously funny Haole Berry, the Sugar Plum Fairy presented by Island Dance Academy, and by way of Nashville, Tennessee, Dan Nix as Elvis Presley.
"Jingle Belles" is the show everyone will be talking about this
Holiday Season. Join your friends at the Palace for an evening of
GREAT entertainment and lots-a-laughs. You won't want to miss this show!

Tickets $15 in advance, $20 at the door, available at Hilo's own historic Palace Theatre.

Saturday, Dec. 1. Doors open at 7. Show starts at 7:30.
I can't tell you how I know what I know, except to say that I ran into one of the stars of Jingle Belles at Hilo's finest shopping establishment (Wal-Mart). But anyway,I have a secret whisper to share about this show. Psssssssst.... I know for a fact that Jingle Belles will include not only great comedy and music, but will also feature large red panties and a display of unbreakable Space-Age barware. True, the Space Age was 40 years ago, but this show will drag you hilariously back to the future and is NOT to be missed. Even the AUDIENCE --you-- will be beautiful and talented. If you don't have tickets, contact me or get them at the Palace. Everyone is going, which means plenty of island intrigue. Red panties, incredible barware, hot male dancers, hot males dressed like females, who are even hotter....and Elvis. Let's support those who do so much for arts and entertainment in our community and have a fun night out at the same time. See you there!

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