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Kapoho Wai Opea tide pools Champagne pond sewage
Part of the standard M.O. first the Feds lean on the county - if that doesn't work - get ready for the federal agencies to descend with clean water act in hand. Good luck
Given the scope (and just plain "obviousness") of the problem, what mitigation is our friendly local Government planning to enforce?

I still say "grandfather everything at its original stated levels", with full compliance to current codes required if ANY changes are made, starting with "now used as vacation rental".

State could even back-door these requirements by adding a footnote to the excise tax regulations, something to the effect that "public accomodations must comply with current health&safety..." would be a good start.
As long as E.Coli is not endangered "grandfathering " will not apply - besides when the Feds come in - they start from scratch - all bets (previous county offers) are off.

They county will now wash its hands - having done its part - and step aside - if this plays out the way it did at my house...

The Feds then came in and begin the "studies" endangered species will trump human habitation.

This is the outfit that caused us so much discomfort - working in conjunction (holding their feet to the fire) Feds.

It all began with the clean water act of '72 - note their push for protection of "endangered" coral species ............. When they came to my hood - it was about the trout - that had not been naturally (un-stocked by fish and game) - for forty years.......

In the end anyone closer to the surface water than 100 ft is now required to have a vault - septic or cesspool not an option and needed to be removed. Receipts for pumpouts required to be retained for inspection if asked.......

Heads up............... want to meet these folks in court?
Does anyone know if there are any water quality reports on waters at Pohoiki, Richardsons beach, and Honolii? These surf spots always have lots of people in the water and are My prefered spots. I don't go into the water at Kapoho or Hot ponds after two people I personally know got MRSA (at Hot Ponds)

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Here is a link to waters that have had exceedances.

Go to the bottom and hit next to scroll through the reports.You will see that Richardson pops up several times.

You can get all of the readings here.
Originally posted by Obie

If anybody should be sued,it should be Hawaiideborah for this false statement.

"Regarding Kapoho tide pools please see the other thread on raw fecal sewage in the tide pools"

Sue me then.

I gave a true statement. This thread has several posts about poop in the tide pools.
I said to "see the thread on raw fecal sewage".
This is not a fact, as you say, nor is it me stating there is raw sewage. Enough posters on this thread call it poop or human waste or sewage.

Go ahead, sue me.
I guess referring to other threads is a fact. Hmmmmmm.
Guess according to Obie we should be sued if we state something that he decides is a fact and he doesn't agree with.

Obie, don't make any statements that aren't true or on punaweb or you will get sued.
Get real.

Guess you had a bad day,hope it gets better !!

Sue me !!

Aloha !

This is getting interesting. I think I will go ahead and get my license here and standby.

I also think I will do some research into Federal law and the Clean Water Act, an area completely unfamiliar to me. It does look like this is a territorial sea, and thus perhaps subject to the the Section 301 effluent limitations. Retroactively? Not sure. Perhaps the Feds could trump here and if this is of interest to them and it could be made of interest by an outside group bringing a writ of mandate, compelling compliance with a law, to the extent a given law applies here.. That might be the way. In which case, remedying the problem before that happens could be the cheaper alternative. And upgrading an effluent system might seem like a bargain. Still, I see a sleeper argument with respect to a taking. Retroactivity could be the key. I recall that cleaning up Superfund sites was made retroactive (if you made a mess before passage of the law, you still have to clean it up). Don't know about this. Google would probably solve in this two seconds, but, you know I am baking bread......

Originally posted by Obie

Guess you had a bad day,hope it gets better !!

Sue me !!

Aloha !

Great spin doctor.
You say I should be sued.
I respond defending myself.
Now you say I should sue you?
What are you smoking?
Again, get real.

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