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Barney Fife did a better job managing Mayberry.
I think oink said somewhere that until we get new blood into our PD, we shouldn't expect much to change. I have to agree.
I've met my share of cops here, mostly through volunteer activities and work--and unfortunately a recent traffic ticket  Nice guys but understaffed, reactive, some incompetent, and some just don't seem to care. The ones that I trust and respect most, openly acknowledge the gap between the ideal and reality. For example after an off-island friend got burglarized a couple years ago, the investigating officer told me bluntly that certain local families are known to be in the business of burglary; they intentionally send their minor children to do the job, so if they get caught and are brought to the station, mom and dad can simply pick 'em up, where they are immediately released. Then they hit their next house the following evening. I kind of feel sorry for the cops because they have to go through all the motions knowing nothing's going to get solved (other than the police report for insurance purposes).
(Btw, Hawaiian Shores and Beaches are an easy place to do break-ins because it's so easy to post a lookout for cop cars coming into the neighborhood. When the lookout sees the cop he calls his burglar friends/kids, tells 'em to get the hell out of Dodge, then they simply take a back street and quietly exit the subdivision. In the case of my friend's hit, the thieves must have been warned because the refrigerator was in the middle of the driveway when the cops arrived.)
In summary, we're dealing with institutionalized incompetence, brought to you by nepotism and cronyism.
So good luck with those keystone cops! I don't envy you right now.
And yet, with all its warts, there's no place I'd rather be.
A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
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I also do feel that some of the issues like their equipment have much to do with it.... Most police have on-board video & computers on board....
How much differently would I, as the victim of this fiasco have felt, if the responding police had a real "big boy" vehicle? if they had had a video of the perp, they probably could have identfied the vehicle...& maybe even WHERE it went... IF they had an on board computer, a report could have been processed on site, rather than making one lone clerk process every report on island (is that a little insane???)
What if they were trained not to place a victims ID in an unsecured area while investigating a crime?
How about taking the initiative to actually follow up & interview an eye witness at the site, rather than go after being told, by a now fairly irate victim, to go get the statement?
Of course, if they hadn't chased the vehicle into our little residential area, then all of this would not have happened! and the police seemed a little miffed when I reminded him of this, but that is what FINALLY got him to go & talk to the to wait & see if he got any of it down (probably that I was a loony!! but wake me up after midnight with your KEYSTONE antics, & yah, I'm a loony!!!)
Good news, car does run & now my decade old car without a dent or scratch is an official Puna Car! (of course this is the first time ever I have had a car for a decade that does not have chunks of the body & frame rusted off, soooo I am lucky to have had it looking as good as it did for as long as it was....)
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@punafish - where is that "like" button regarding "And yet, with all its warts, there's no place I'd rather be."
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Yes Carey, it's going to take a while for the report. I got a ticket on the 12th of November. I misplaced the paperwork and went into the court house to get a copy of the paperwork this last Tuesday (the 4th) and they couldn't give me the information as it wasn't in the system yet!!! You only have 21 calendar days to respond and or pay the fine and it has been all of that!
Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani
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Wow, just glad it was not you hurt by this whole bumbling affair.
Peace and long life
Peace and long life
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At one of the recent HPP neighborhood watch meetings we had 2 cops as guest speakers. Evidently there are 12-15 new recruits going through the academy training now. someone said oh good we will get 15 new police to bolster the force. He replied, not really. these will replace cops who are moving up in rank to desk jobs etc. The number of cops actually on the street has been the same for the last 20 years or so, despite the increase in population.
these guys may have been the new crop.
mac nut
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The officer that took the report was in the 2008 recruit class... so not really a brand newbie... with four years on the force... The other office, well, far as I know, only there for the chase, not the report, so I dunno...
And look at all of the stuff we are all learning.....granted, I could have done without this on the last day of class for this semester...but... I woulda had to been typing on the computer finalizing my project anyhoo...may as well get a little mind-melding reality in with this socratic stuff!
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Carey, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. You are being amazingly philosophical about it, and that will no doubt help you get through it . . . along with a good sense of humor. It's not really funny, though, especially when we all know this sort of thing is not all that unusual.
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Jerry, no one got hurt, the car still runs, the fence did the job amazingly well...had any of those not gone well...
Obviously I had highlighted the problems with the policing, but I will say they did return very quickly, the officer was very courteous... & I really do realize that they were trying to do their job, & anytime they are involved in a chase it is not a great time for them... if the driver of the car had stopped instead of fleeing, none of this would have happened....and now that driver is stuck wonder when/if they will get charged with far more than would have been if than if they had made the stop.... and that is not something I would want following me....
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Just picked up the report...
9 days wait t get an 8pg scan-tron like thing with no detail...(and at $1/pg1 10c for all addl
It has no eyewitness report (SURPRISE!!!)
No 911 report (asked the Puna district, they were unsure if I could get it...asked the Hilo district, just email, you can get it in "about 2 weeks")
The report has that I was an occupant in my car!
nothing about the police chase (SURPRISE)
nothing on the vehicle they were chasing (SURPRISE!)
SO now I have a police report that states I was IN THE CAR that was involved in a vehicle accident...nothing about the police chase, hit & run or anything else....
OH, & the vehicle they were chasing left parts ...called the dept on the 6, 8th &10th about those ya think anyone cared enough to come & look at the left behind parts of the vehicle they were chasing?