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A request - thoughts and prayers for Pam
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I can tell you I am moved to tears reading all your wonderful posts, thank you so much. I can't tell you how much they mean to both Pam and I. It's probably not appropriate to pick any posts out, but the most moving posts of all were from kaptkimo and LaurelJ. We may not share the same beliefs but I can't tell you enough how much your posts and your actions mean to us. Truly beautiful. Thank you.

Just for clarification, because I was not in a good state of mind when I wrote the original post and may not have made things clear, Pam is in remission from cancer, but the diagnosis of what could possibly be some early form of dementia is devastating, she is too young for that. It might be the lupus though and we'll know more in the next few days or weeks. As Paul said, her doctors in California are amazing and she could not be in better hands - just wish I could hold hers right now.

Incidentally, LaurelJ, Pam is in the Santa Barbara area, more accurately Carpinteria. So not a million miles away but not a short drive either. We both love the SF Bay area!

[Request to liskir removed - TK]

Dear Pam and Tom,
My thoughts and prayers go out to both of you.
Tom try and take care of yourself. Eat well and get plenty of rest.
I'm sure this is what Pam would say.
Pam don't worry about your Tom as you can see puna web takes
care of it's own.
God bless you both
I am humbled by your remarks, thank you! I understand your frustration for sure being away from Pam. For 33 years of marriage my husband's profession has him away from me much of the year , he was in Japan at the time of my health issues in Sept. We both felt pretty helpless for not being together at that time when we both really needed to be. I realize I don't know the two of you but you should know many of us women who deal with extended times of seperation from our spouses, we are strong, stronger even, than many times our husband's realize. We have learned to deal with these times apart and I am just betting your wife is one of these strong women. She must be strong considering all she is dealing with, and you did say she is religious. Her faith alone will sustain her till you can be together again. You know certainly from a scientific sense, "it's always darkest before the dawn" I am sure she knows that from a spiritual sense. so hang in there Tom, Pam you will both emerge stronger on the other side.
Oh and by the way my mother and sister in law live in Carpinteria just over the bluff overlooking Carp State Beach, small world after all ! Thoughts and prayers with you both. Keep us posted on Pam's situation.
Tom and Pam,
Some levels of cognitive diminishment are common with chemo. I, of course do not know your circumstance, but they are often only minimal and progress slowly. Things like multi-tasking can become more difficult, etc. Don't spend time worrying; that can be worse than the cognition issues. Sometimes spending time on puzzles and strategy games can slow the progression. Be Happy.

Prayers and positive thoughts and energy for you both. Stay strong, and please know you are not alone. Healing, guidance, strength and good health we ask Akua to provide. Warmest aloha to you both.
Tom, I am thinking good thoughts for you both. I hope everything goes well.

Peace and long life
Peace and long life
If that don't beat all!!! I posted some remedies that other lupus people have done to successfully cure themselves, that Pam might be interested in, and that's INAPPROPRIATE? Please tell me how?

Borax is also effective with other forms of arthritis, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile Arthritis, and Lupus
With each Liver Flush I had more energy, and the joint pains diminished with each flush.I no longer have Lupus!

Liver and Gall Bladder Flush

Originally posted by liskir

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"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
Sorry Tom,

I'm sure you are going nutz on research and trying to learn all you can, eating bad + not sleeping normal and maybe drinking more too so possibly 'worthless' at work. ... All acceptable for the situation IMO. If can, focus on your research for helping her but try to block out the part where you empathically feel and go to water for her 'cause this will kill you and send you down a bad road and no good ever comes from that. Put on your music, cry it out ...You are allowed this but then get back to it. STAY STRONG !

Oh yeah, and be extra nice and impart your kokua to all those around you. You will feel good doing this.

Most sincerely,
I'm sure she has, but has she had a mri of the brain? If so, did it show anything? There are many herbal treatments that may or may not work. Frankly, if I had this I'd hit it hard with modern western medicine and suppliment it with tried and true eastern medicine.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management

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