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Hwy 130 lane expansion mid-2013
A simulation of the Pahoa roundabout after Puna population exceeds Hilo population:

"It was a majority decision to descend into the Dark Ages. Don't worry, be happy, bang on da drum all day!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

.There is no known legal method available to prevent each and every one of these from building out someday.

That not the case, one of the municipalities i worked for did exactly that. and it actually benefited most of the property owners
but i dont know if I should post the how to

How about a light rail! I feel like we could push it through on the basis of how much it would improve tourism / local economy


You got it. And those who made the complaint no longer live here.
pahoated: 10:19:40-
with the capacity roundabout they are going to do- you added a dose of reality.
Reality, but still painfully funny.
Thank you both.[Big Grin]

A picture is worth a thousand words/lies ...especially when it's distorted and confusing.

Teds round - a - bout pic was great, but will that be the one in pahoa, the one where 130 merges into one lane heading into puna after keaau, or the one in hilo at puainako?

Originally posted by Ken

This coming from one of Punaweb's biggest verified troll!!
Another wreck this morning 130 in front of malama market
I was at the meeting and left right after the DOT presentations because I was so disgusted with their pompous attitude (we are the experts so we know more than you and don't have to listen to your ideas for improvement or concerns). The roundabout for Kahakai is still on the drawing board and I maintain that that is where we need one. We do NOT need one at the "intersection of death" by Malama Marketplace. For one thing, it will be way too close to the Kahakai roundabout. For another, this plan has not addressed some of the major problems, such as the entry into and exit from the marketplace.But DOT Highways Div. administrator Alvin Take****a claims that he knows best because he has 40 years experience with highways. So I guess he is including the design by Kea'au HS as an example of his expertise...?
Interesting how the automatic censor deleted the 4 middle letters from Alvin T's name. The letters begin with an 's' and end with a 't', with 'hi' in the middle. I wonder if his own computer performs that blocking maneuver. I'll try it again: Take****a.
Will you be able to get to Kahakai from the hpp side when they're building this thing

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