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If you have a dog
Canuck - whilst I completely agree with you about not poisoning or harming the animal, after all, that would be illegal unless the harm is done in immediate self-defense - I do take exception to your use of the word "gripe", and if you had read my posts you will see that the neighbours and I have been doing a lot more than just griping here. I'm sorry to read that you have had several encounters with vicious dogs, but in the several years I have lived here that has not been my own experience and this is the first time I have had to deal with a situation like this. I did not know the laws pertaining to the control of dangerous animals, not much about tenant-landlord laws or the difficulty in getting anything done about the problem via the humane society or police. I am sure there are several people here who are also in that same position or will be in the future and I hoped my neighbourhood's experience with the dangerous dog and its owner would be useful information for them and I might also receive some useful advice (which I have).

If no one is going to "gripe" about this then those who haven't experienced such a situation aren't going to learn what goes on in situations like this and those people won't be interested in getting the laws changed at all, will they?

How many people have been bitten so far?

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
How many people have been bitten so far?
Far less than there would have been if the neighbourhood hadn't changed their lifestyles and enjoyment of their properties in order to protect themselves and their children.

Originally posted by Ken

Take a piece of nice fresh delicious red meat and soak it up with huge amounts of rat poison. Let them munch on that for a bit.

Not rat poison, slug poison (metaldehyde). Rat poison is not very toxic and requires consuming quite a bit to be fatal even to a rat. Antifreeze (ethylene glycol, not propylene glycol) would also work, because it tastes sweet. Put a bowl in your yard and if the dogs come onto your land to drink it, it's the owner's fault.
Originally posted by TomK

How many people have been bitten so far?
Far less than there would have been if the neighbourhood hadn't changed their lifestyles and enjoyment of their properties in order to protect themselves and their children.


So have you been able to document the wounds and show the police?

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Tom - I may have missed it in the thread (since this one is so long) - but are you on Beach Road? I ask because I walk my dogs down there daily. My dogs and I have been attacked multiple times by loose dogs. Two dogs of one guy in particular have come after us 3x, the third time causing me a week of neck and back pain. (Owner was oblivious and said the dogs are friendly.)

Extremely sad that multiple people are giving tips on killing the dogs (but not that surprised given who is doing the posting of those comments though.) I'm sure the trolls will come after me and say the dogs deserve to die, but really it is the owner's fault, not the dogs. The thing I don't understand is why the humane society has not confiscated the dogs yet with so many documented attacks.

I've been in Tom's boat - it sucks. He is lucky his neighbors all band together. I have a neighbor who built a dog kennel housing a dozen hunting dogs dogs directly across from my bedroom - they bark 24/7. No amount of talking to them has helped.

I can't walk my dogs to the end of my street at one end because multiple houses have medium size loose dogs that chase after bikes, cars, and people.

I can't walk my dogs to the other end of my street because two houses at that end (on either side of the street) let their little dogs loose. Two of those dogs run after cars and several times I've come close to hitting them or seen other people come close. (I love animals and would be devastated if my vehicle caused the death of a dog.)

So I walk down along Beach Rd because there is less traffic. Only to get attacked by loose packs of dogs.

Just want to know vicinity so I if I decide on a new route one day I don't run into them.

Good luck Tom!
Spunky - I'm one road down - A Road. I'm pretty sure my neighbour's dog is not the one attacking you, it only seems to attack people in this street, it and my yard are his property.

Didn't know about the Beach Road problem. I have a neighbour who takes her dog there all the time and hasn't mentioned loose dogs, but I will ask and get back to you. Which part of Beach Road do you visit?

Hawaii County Code section 4-31 Dangerous Dog Complaint

The complaints about dog attacks has been going on for years. I think the County is at fault for failing to change the laws and enforce stricter penalties. People who neglect or abuse their animals, also should be banned from owning animals in the future.

As far as the posts about poisoning animals that is despicable!!!
Midnight Rambler, you sound like you have had experience in eradicating pests on your land!!!!

Where we lived in Kona an animal hater, used the method you suggested deliberately poisoned a lot of pets and birds, unfortunately that person was never caught.
Antifreeze is Toxic to all wildlife and harmful to the environment!

hikatz - although hearsay I was told about someone poisoning dogs very close to where I live and that is now being prosecuted criminally. I know very little about the case so can't say much more than that. And just to be clear, other than my immediate neighbour with the dangerous dog, all of us will not resort to illegal, criminal or cruel acts to get our neighbourhood back to the way it was - a safe place to enjoy your own property and walk in the street without fear of attack. Not in a million years could I deliberately poison a dog no matter how vicious it is. On the other hand I will kill it if it is trying to kill me, a neighbour or some innocent person walking on the street and I have no other choice - the other neighbours feel the same way.

Thanks for the link BTW, I think everyone can see that the laws are far too lenient here when it comes to dangerous dogs. A $25 fine? Wonderful. Don't do it again or we'll get really angry and fine you $50. Maim someone? OK, now we're really upset and will fine you $200 and, oh, by the way, here's your dog back. Have a nice day.

There's always getting a lawyer and dealing with them that way.
Me ka ha`aha`a,

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