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If you have a dog
Originally posted by csgray

"What we have here is a failure to communicate."

Once again the differences in face to face communication and internet communication cause more confusion than communication. Everyone posting on this topic might need to just take a deep breath and remember to reread your post before you hit send.


I actually understand that Dick was using the generic "you". Nevertheless when you read "you had better pray the cops get you before I do" it is difficult to remain objective. That makes the answer to my question "Well, I didn't mean you specifically, it just sounded that way because that's how I wrote it". Not even singling Dick out, because I can see how it happened, there is a lesson in there for all of us.
Ken ... YES. Its just wrong. ( I M O )

Ken - it's illegal and is hardly going to improve the situation because they'll just get another dog. They've done that in the past. The humane society took one of their dogs (the tenants actually surrendered it) and within a day or two another was there. And even if I were sick and disturbed enough to deliberately poison a dog, what's to stop someone else's pet, including my own, also eating the poison? Let's be clear - it's the neighbouring tenants that have caused the problem.

Look, the dog attacked several people in April last year, humane society were called and after that the dog was kept under control for several months. In fact the tenants next door became very reasonable neighbours, took care of their yard and control of their dog/s. The situation seemed to be sorted. Since the new year the dog is attacking everyone again and despite their assurances the dog will be tied up or put in a kennel, that has not happened. It is clear they do not intend to control it. Last week, as I mentioned, the dog attacked a couple of neighbours in the street, one of the tenants ran out and got control of the dog and said he'd tie it up. Just three or four hours later I was attacked by the very same dog in my own yard.

MarkP - just want to apologise if I over-reacted to an earlier post of yours. It wasn't my intention to upset you but as you can imagine I have been rather stressed in recent times and when I was being badgered for info that I could not possibly have for many others, plus is not in my interest to divulge anyway (e.g., think possible upcoming lawsuit and privacy concerns) I might have misread your post, so my apologies for that.

MarkP The generic you applies, unless of course you personally have plans concerning my dog, "which I assume is not the case". One can use deadly force during an attack, not after the fact and certainly never poison. The situation TomK faces is tough and Hawaii's laws and the lack of appropriate police response is frustrating. My own personal response to anyone harming a member of my family is a matter of my conscience and does remain unchanged. Let me just add, that I have sat with a dog as he died from poison and have no objectivity when the use of poison comes up.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
yeah... sometimes it's best just to let things be. After that comment by Dick, it's fruitless to continue a conversation. But I was once that way about dogs. If it were my Dog... DUH! REALLY? No ****?

Hey Dick, news flash for you. I doubt you let your dog loose and terrorize the hood! So your safe man... I think 90% of all dog owners are not that way. I sometimes think in hawaii, maybe it's not that high.

Point is, it's the Bad Pet Owners that spoil the bunch. Sometimes extreme measures need to be taken to deal with these unique situations. You'll never know how bad it is unless it happens to you

Relax ... don't get all worked up just because you see a post you don't like. Not good for the health.
ericlp; I mostly avoid these topics, but when I see posts advocating poisoning a pet, Ya its red flag to me. No animal, regardless of its actions deserves that type of death. If an animal needs to be put down, it can be done humanely, not with ground glass or antifreeze. It is impossible for me to convey the contempt I feel for anyone who would do that. For those posting advocating that, I DO MEAN YOU. The very bottom-most depths of hell are reserved for those who poison animals.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
Does injection with a needle count as poisoning or is that okay - I mean that's poison too right? Just painless poison.

Never underestimate the power of the dark side.
Quite obviously the use of Euthanol dose not fall in the same class as poisoning with ground glass. There can not be any doubt in your mind what I meant by poison, so stop wasting my time.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
When you have watched a pet you love in agony and suffering, then take him to the vet, only to find out he was poisoned, and there was nothing that could be done to save him, it was heartbreaking! I will never understand the callousness and lack of empathy so many people have towards animals!


We have a friend who recently moved to Orchidland, he had 4 beautiful dogs. We advised him to contain them on his lot, he did not! First 2 were shot in the head, following week the other 2 were also shot in the head! From what I gather the dogs did die instantly, bodies were put in the bushes by the the side of the road. A police report was made, but how are you going to prove who did it!
Right or wrong, at least it was quick. NOT LIKE THIS! The owners posted a picture of injured dog on Craigslist, someone keeps flagging it.

What you have read in this topic, has been brought up many times before in previous topics on Punaweb and many other Big Island Blogs. Nothing will change unless the County gets serious about dealing with this problem!

Thanks for that, hikatz and I also want to say thank you for those that have offered reasoned advice for my and neighbour's particular situation. None of us want to kill the dog. If another attack happens and someone's life is in immediate danger then we may have to. Fortunately that hasn't happened yet. We're all walking around with baseball bats (in my case a cricket bat) or other means of defense and we have a system whereby people are escorted while walking in the street just outside the dog's territory. But we don't want the dog killed and certainly don't want a poisoner in the neighbourhood.

The only unfortunate thing about our own situation is that it's almost certain someone else will be put in a similar situation once the tenants are finally evicted. That's if they actually leave of course.


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