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Deceased Election Worker Reinstated

(*Snipped - More at link)


On Dec. 31, 2012, the county reinstated Glen Shikuma, elections warehouse worker, four months after he died, according to attorney Ted Hong.

The county has now rescinded the termination of all four county employees who former County Clerk Jamae Kawauchi and former Council Chairman Dominic Yagong targeted and terminated from the county’s Office of Elections.

Hong, the attorney for three of those employees, said any doubt about whether the personnel actions taken by Kawauchi, Yagong and supported by former council has been resolved in his clients’ favor.

The employees were all reinstated because union rules were not followed.

Being reinstated doesn't mean they didn't do anything wrong!

It could also be that the Chairman and his Clerk screwed up.

Where, oh where, have my tax dollars gone?

To pay the salary of some stiff?

Where, oh where, have my tax dollars gone?

I hope they can do better than this...
This is the combination of many people who were self serving. We will never know the truth of this whole issue, (we never do if it has to do with employee rights, unions, and County employees, etc.).

I feel badly for Mr. Shikuma's family and hope they don't read here, kalakoa. God forbid anyone call my deceased father, husband, brother, or son a "stiff". Callous choice of words.

Removing the firing (and reinstatement) of this man, and the circumstances therein, he is still someone's loved one.

Yes: the dead deserve our respect, the County ... not so much.

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