02-25-2013, 03:48 AM
Aloha Friends,
I’m writing to ask for your support in an effort to move SB 382 along. This is the bill introduced by Senator Russell Rudeman that allows the County to expend fuel tax dollars on maintaining private subdivision roads. It is up for decision making at the Ways and Means (WAM) committee this Wednesday, Feb 27th. No new testimony is being taken by the committee, although you can email each of its members requesting they support it.
FYI the County Council passed Resolution 61-13 on Wed. Feb. 20th supporting SB382. The mayor has submitted testimony in support. There hasn’t been any opposition from testifiers, although for some reason some of the Senators on the WAM seem to have the opinion that if you bought cheap, you deserve what you get. They are using this reasoning to oppose this measure. Please let them know that Big Islanders do NOT agree with that!!
You can simply write a single email in support of the measure and address to all the email addresses below. Obviously there is no need to send a support email to Sen. Ruderman J
Eileen O’Hara
Chair of WAM, Sen. Ige sendige@capitol.hawaii.gov
Vice Chair of WAM, Sen. Kidani senkidani@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Chun Oakland senchunoakland@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Dela Cruz sendelacruz@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Kouchi senkouchi@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Thielen senthielen@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Tokura sentokura@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Slom senslom@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Keith-Agaran senkeithagaran@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Kahele senkahele@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. English senenglish@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Espero senespero@capitol.hawaii.gov
I’m writing to ask for your support in an effort to move SB 382 along. This is the bill introduced by Senator Russell Rudeman that allows the County to expend fuel tax dollars on maintaining private subdivision roads. It is up for decision making at the Ways and Means (WAM) committee this Wednesday, Feb 27th. No new testimony is being taken by the committee, although you can email each of its members requesting they support it.
FYI the County Council passed Resolution 61-13 on Wed. Feb. 20th supporting SB382. The mayor has submitted testimony in support. There hasn’t been any opposition from testifiers, although for some reason some of the Senators on the WAM seem to have the opinion that if you bought cheap, you deserve what you get. They are using this reasoning to oppose this measure. Please let them know that Big Islanders do NOT agree with that!!
You can simply write a single email in support of the measure and address to all the email addresses below. Obviously there is no need to send a support email to Sen. Ruderman J
Eileen O’Hara
Chair of WAM, Sen. Ige sendige@capitol.hawaii.gov
Vice Chair of WAM, Sen. Kidani senkidani@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Chun Oakland senchunoakland@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Dela Cruz sendelacruz@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Kouchi senkouchi@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Thielen senthielen@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Tokura sentokura@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Slom senslom@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Keith-Agaran senkeithagaran@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Kahele senkahele@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. English senenglish@capitol.hawaii.gov
Sen. Espero senespero@capitol.hawaii.gov
Assume the best and ask questions.
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