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Hawaiian made cutting board

I am renting from Cathy for the month (and using her log in) and decided the perfect 'souvenir' would be a locally made cutting board using a native wood.

I went to a shop in the Hata building downtown Hilo where I found a small, dark wood, uninteresting board for $55.

I want something at least 13x9 or so, not a heavy wood either, but very swirly wood or dark colors.

Can you recommend where I could go?
You might try the farmers markets in Hilo, and Macuu this weekend
Already tried the Hilo farmers market on sunday. I will look into Macuu, thanks!
Hilo market has many more merchants on Wed. & Saturdays - can not say that I have noticed cutting boards there...but haven't ever looked either!

You may also want to check out the wood turners show at the Wailoa Center (Hilo - east of the market area) throughout this month... they don't have cutting boards on display (as it is a turning exhibition) but there are a lot of wonderful wood workers that might just do a board.... and you will be able to see some fantastic woodworking, so even if you do not find your board, you will have a memory! and the downstairs does have a neat display of the different tropical woods, so you may have a "wood of your dreams"!
During Merry Monarch there are tons of crafts fairs, some of which limit the goods to Hawaii produced only. You might go shopping at those, they range from little strip mall fairs with "granny" crafts to larger ones with the work of professional artisans. I've seen some really high quality and very affordable crafts at the "granny craft" fairs, and the professional artisans are more expensive but often extremely high quality. Galleries take anywhere from 40-75% so the artists don't get much of that $55 price you saw.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Side track for a sec Kat..

Possibly related to above though.

Does anyone know of the guy up in Volcano who builds " wall hanger ' canoe paddles ???

I have a friend looking for something special.

Thanks and maybe he does CBs too.

I think DeLuz Woods is still open (though I heard DeLuz died recently). I think that's mostly turnings, too, but might have a cutting board. It's on the road to Volcano, around the 11 or 12 mile marker.

Aloha spelled backward...think about it.
><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ ><> ~~~~ >(>
try craigs list and look through the materials section. I've seen a guy post nice slices of Mango and other hardwoods you could buy a small scrap piece and make something from it.


I have two cutting boards. I bought a small nylon block when I first got here from walmart. Since than, I purchased a KitchenAid Wood one that is designed to fit in a sink bowl. The wood likes to collect mold on the bottom where it sits on the sink rim. So... I get the old toothbrush and bleach once a month. I live down by the ocean .. I'd hate to think what it might look like if I lived in a cooler/wetter area. Ish....
The woodworkers art show is in the little round building in the park by the Bay Front
this week. All the best word workers display their work. You can pick up some names
and contact info there. I think it closes at 4: ea day.
Call Larry Duoos 968-1084.He is a cabinet maker but a cutting board could be simple. He has access to many fine local woods. There is also a place in Shipman Industrial that is a supplier.

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