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Internet Access 2013
What choices in Puna for those without a DSL option from HawaiianTel or cable?

I happen to live in Nanawale + pray to progress beyond limited cell phone tethering!

Delia Montgomery
d/b/a Chic Eco
Environmental Design ~ Product Development, Services, Consultant & Broker
Delia Montgomery,
Good luck with that, Delia. It seems to be going absolutely nowhere, fast, especially in the Puna district and outlying areas.

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Move to a subdivision that already has Oceanic, or petition them (25 subscribers/mile for every mile between you and them) to install.

Alternately (tongue-in-cheek here), find a more "agricultural" lifestyle so you don't "need" the Internet -- after all, this ain't the city.
Mahalo for truths ... I do use cell phone tethering, but haven't checked into any new technology services for about 3 years. Back then, the satellite companies said they could work w/o DSL from HawaiianTel, but that was not true. I've been hoping for a satellite service that is not DSL dependent, since HawaiianTel progress is going nowhere; just existing. This is a political issue for Puna, but I'm sooo over the BS.

Delia Montgomery
d/b/a Chic Eco
Environmental Design ~ Product Development, Services, Consultant & Broker
Delia Montgomery,
Well, as luck for you, Nanawale got a new cell tower. Even beaches sub has crappy cell service... There is plans for a new cell tower here but, that could take years the things move SLOW here ... So, odds are good you have full bars and with luck 4G service.

Sat is available but it's not cheap ... One day Sat will be just as cheap if NOT cheaper than Road Runner. I'd gladly switch over to a dish for all you can use for up to 30 bucks. Currently the best price that I know if 130 bucks a month for like 15 - 20 gigs down. I could use that in a day... But cell is worse it's about 5 gigs for 50-80 bucks depending on the plan. So... While if I didn't have RoadRunner I'd be limiting myself to what I could afford. Probably the cheapest Sat Plan since I do most of my downloading of movies in the evening anyway and I hear there is a plan that has unlimited usage between 12-6AM ... 6 hours you could d/l quite a bit of data probably around 4-5 Gigs. The only problem with Sat is things like Google Voice or any type of VOIP/Video calling won't work.
Verizon "Home Fusion"
I just called Oceanic Time Warner to ask about the timeline for the rest of HPP and Orchidland to get cable tv. I was on the phone for an hour being given very vague answers. They are going to have a supervisor call me back but the only thing I've found out so far is that a petition may not work. They say it's "infrastructure problems", but when I say, "what do you mean?". "NO telephone poles, or you cant drill through blue rock, or what exactly do you mean?", and then I am basically given an answer of, "Adding new areas involves many variable mostly cost". IN other words, they'll get to it, when they get to it". I'll post if I find out anything further. I will try and pin them down on the "rate of progress" in other words, something that could basically be graphed and then extrapolated. I think it's taken about 10 yrs to do half of HPP so it will probably take another 10 yrs to complete the wiring, but that's just a wild guess, and then maybe they'll move on the ORchidland, but I want to verify this with a supervisor.
We got a cell booster and are running off of AT&t 3G & 4G. Thinking about extending our antenna to get around our metal roof.
We're doing OK with it. Not as fast as Wifi but still able to do almost everything.
I doesn't really hurt to slow down a bit in Hawaii Smile
Yes -- "over/outside the metal roof" makes a HUGE difference, as does "more elevation".

Beyond that (say, worse than -110dbm) you'd also use a directional antenna (same transmit power over smaller focus = higher effective power).

Note also that a "cellphone" is limited to 600mW ERP so as not to fry your brain. A "device" (vzw home fusion or similar, sometimes called a "mifi") is not limited, some of them might have higher transmit power. Typically they don't run at "full power" unless they're plugged in.
I failed to mention my antenna. Bought on Amazon (about $250) which was less than radio shack @ $300. It does work pretty well + for whatever reason my AT&T (tethering) has improved (by staying online) the past 2 months.
FYI, in the process I've learned that cell phones DO NOT do well under metal roofs.

Originally posted by ~wow~

We got a cell booster and are running off of AT&t 3G & 4G. Thinking about extending our antenna to get around our metal roof.
We're doing OK with it. Not as fast as Wifi but still able to do almost everything.
I doesn't really hurt to slow down a bit in Hawaii Smile

Delia Montgomery
d/b/a Chic Eco
Environmental Design ~ Product Development, Services, Consultant & Broker
Delia Montgomery,

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