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Ha'ena bunker
Does anyone know the story behind the concrete bunker at Ha'ena (Shipman) beach? I did the hike the other day and noticed it. Looks like WWII era, with rusted out gun mounts on the walls inside.
I know the beach, but where is the bunker?
Here's a web page with info about the trail. Point of Interest #15 describes the bunker as:

"continuing on, you will come across a poured concrete bunker which is on the left side of the trail. This is one of two fortifications installed during World War II. The other bunker is on the opposite shore of Kea‘au Bay."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"Everything behind the sand area is private property, and not open to public access."

From the above link. I'd say that is pretty much BS. What happened to the RIGHT of ALL people for shoreline access? As long as you're walking on the shore theoretically you have the right of way.
I think the notation about private property behind the sand is specifically about the area at Shipman Beach. The Shipmans have their home & yard behind the beach. The shoreline to the beach from Paradise Park should be public access, and the trail to the beach (inland) is open to the public - - not sure if it's by public access or because Shipman allows the right of way across their property.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Local history

The story and remnants of the airfield at south point pretty cool as well
"I know the beach, but where is the bunker?"

You go right by it on the trail in. It's pretty close to the beach, probably within a few hundred feet.

My guess is it was put there in WWII era due to fears of invasion.

It's possible there are others, maybe north of the beach. I haven't checked.
Originally posted by ericlp

"Everything behind the sand area is private property, and not open to public access."

From the above link. I'd say that is pretty much BS. What happened to the RIGHT of ALL people for shoreline access? As long as you're walking on the shore theoretically you have the right of way.

??? The trail is the access to the shoreline (the beach).

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